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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] how to increase server uploading limit

Started by suri,

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suriTopic starter

hi sir plz tell me how to increase server uploading video size and tell me about website provide good video hosting plan
surendra kumar

Marius P.

Quote from: suri on
hi sir plz tell me how to increase server uploading video size and tell me about website provide good video hosting plan

There are multiple PHP settings you should change to allow for larger file uploads:


Details here: http://www.radinks.com/upload/config.php

For hosting:

Quote from: Alexander on
I can't give you an answer from our side, the only thing we have worked with in the last 5 years is Lease Web and their dedicated service.
But http://www.phprevolution.com/forum/pre-sale-questions/guys-do-you-suggest-any-hosting-company/
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I am looking to change my default PHP server values for the following locations:

upload_max_filesize (Change to 1500M?)
max_input_time (Change to ??)
memory_limit (Change to ??)
max_execution_time (Change to 3600/60min to accommodate up to 1.5Gb upload?)
post_max_size (Changle to 1600M?)

Other fields that may be important:

max_file_uploads (Change to ??, if needed)

Please advise me of correct values to use if I intend on uploading VIDEO files that are no larger than 1.5Gb/1500M.

Server details: 4 Core, 4Gb RAM, Linux VPS

See attachment for current configuration

Thank you in advance for your time


By the way, I am aware that 4Gb of RAM is very low, as I will look to increase this as server load grows.

I currently convert all video files to mp4, prior to uploading them to server and only the very small size files get uploaded for ffmpeg conversion.

One additional question:  If I convert a group of 10 Videos to MP4 format and want to perform a bulk upload ( a am aware that this doesn't exist via Admin Panel) to server, is there any thread on the site that can instruct me on how to perform this? - I did see a thread where a member attempted this using CSV for file information, but I am not sure if it was successful for him

Thanks for your time Staff Support


Marius P.

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