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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] How to limit number of channels in sidebar.

Started by hamnawa,

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PHPVibe A.

I've checked this:


it outputs the default image.


outputs the actual channel image.

Am I wrong?

hamnawaTopic starter

You are right. Now I have removed all the actual thunmbs it should display noimage in all channels. as you can see in the snapshot it displays the same image (noimage.png) in different size in few channels at the end.

I have re sized the noimage.pnp to 30Pixels.

I noted a difference in channel table structure in PhomyAdmin it shows heading starting from the channels which displays different size image then others.

Can you please have a look at Phpmyadmin your self.

PHPVibe A.

I noted a difference in channel table structure in PhomyAdmin it shows heading starting from the channels which displays different size image then others.

Can you rephrase this, your English is killing me.

There is no size attached to the thumbnail in the sql.

you can open lib/functions.php and see for yourself:

function the_nav($type=1) {
global $db, $cachedb;
include_once( INC.'/class.tree.php' );
$nav = '';
$tree = new Tree;
$categories = $cachedb->get_results("SELECT cat_id as id, child_of as ch, cat_name as name, picture FROM  ".DB_PREFIX."channels WHERE type='$type' limit 0,10000");
if($categories) {	
foreach ($categories as $cat) {
if($cat->ch < 1) {$cat->ch = null;}
		$label = '<a href="'.channel_url($cat->id, $cat->name).'" title="'. _html($cat->name).'"><img src="'.thumb_fix($cat->picture, true, 23, 23).'" class="cat-menu-img"/>'. _html($cat->name).'</a>';
		$li_attr = '';		
		$tree->add_row($cat->id, $cat->ch, $li_attr, $label);
$nav .=$tree->generate_list();	
return apply_filters('the_navigation' , $nav);

hamnawaTopic starter

I apologize for my poor English. My question about the thumbs is:

One image is used for almost 80% of the channels which is noimage.png.

It is not being displayed in same size for all channels list.

Please see the snapshot attached or scroll down on the website to see channels listed at the end in the left sidebar you may notice the difference your self.

PHPVibe A.

So, this was the problem.
I have no idea from where this comes, i assume leftover cache file in cache/thumbs/ that didn't get deleted (you should fully empty this folder's content).

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