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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] How to remove phpvibe branding from site

Started by nobelkansal,

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nobelkansalTopic starter

i recently purchase phpvibe 3.6 your installation has install script on domain now i want to remove branding of PHPVIBE from it tell me the method of brand removing from site....
and send me the php.ini setting so i can setup the uploading because the video are not uploading....

PHPVibe A.


in tpl/main/tpl/globals.php


'.apply_filters('tfc', get_option('site-copyright')).'

I've never personally tweaked stuff from php.ini, just WHM.
But you can call the phpinfo() function to find the location of your php.ini file, it will also tell you the current values for the following settings that affect uploads:


Here is a good explaining tutorial https://www.grumpyland.com/blog/101/settings-for-uploading-large-files-in-php/ (demo samples are 100 mb, you may want to go much upper).

nobelkansalTopic starter

i cannot find the file globals.php in tpl
tpl/main/no tpl folder here

nobelkansalTopic starter

what should i write on that code

PHPVibe A.

That line inserts the copyright...you can just delete it, or add your own message there...
You should really learn a bit of code tweaking if you plan to be a webmaster, just basics so you know how to get around in a php cms.

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