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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] How to upgrade your JwPlayer to pro?

Started by PHPClient,

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PHPClientTopic starter

Hi Mario!

I am wanting to upgrade my JwPlayer to JwPlayter Pro so that I am able to feature: pre-roll, mid-roll and post-roll ads.  I understand to do this, I must purchase JwPlayer Pro from their website for $149.00 per year.

Please answer the following question for me:

1.  What programming is required to get JwPlayer Pro to work with PHPVibe so I am able to run Pre,Mid and Post ads? 
2.  Is there any PHPVibe Admin controls for JwPlayer Pro ad management for Pre,Mid and Post roll ads?
3.  Can I host the video ads on my own server by just creating a directiory in FTP for them and dropping them into the directory, instead of having JwPlayer Host for me?
4.  Are there any instructions for installation of JwPlayer into PHPVibe in forum?


PHPClientTopic starter


I watched a couple of videos for JwPlayer set-up and it looks like in order to run Pre,Mid and Post ads, you need to do it one-by-one for each video in the JwPlayer.com website and copy HTML code to paste on your website. - Is this correct from your experience?

What I would like to accomplish is being about to run certain ads in pre,mid and post roll for ALL videos and have this be automatic (like JPlayer) instead of this one-by-one nonsense.

Please let me know.


Marius P.

I assume is just a js tag code to add to lib/class.providers.php in the jwplayer embed for the ads, as for player replacement, just overwrite the player's files in lib/players/

Code is here http://support.jwplayer.com/customer/portal/articles/1431665-basic-preroll-video-ads

There is no built-in specific functionality for jwplayer pro in phpvibe.
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The box Optional JwPlayer key (mostly if PRO) is  not for this?
How can I  add ad in PRO version in admin panel?

Problem  Loading the player... how can I resolve?

Marius P.

Yes, but that's just the license key.
Show me the site, that's an really old topic, jwplayer was updated 4-5 times since then.
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Marius P.

Quote from: Abraham on
What do You think about JW Player vs video.js?

jwplayer is more professional, but pricy.
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Can I add an ad in JW Player Pro, or it is possible only in JW Player Ads Edition?

Marius P.

Quote from: Abraham on
Can I add an ad in JW Player Pro, or it is possible only in JW Player Ads Edition?

You need Ads edition http://www.jwplayer.com/video-ads/
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