[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] How to upload mp3 from url (remote)

Started by megzz,

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megzzTopic starter

i want admins to be able to upload mp3 from url ...
can anyone help me with this ?

PHPVibe A.

Tried Admin -> Media Manage -> Add Media (remote) ?

megzzTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

Remove this in /moderator/add-video.php

echo '<div class="msg-warning">'._lang("Seems that link it's not valid or link is wrong").'</div>';

and it should work, but it will add it as video...hmm, I'll add a ticket now for a page on admin for remote mp3 (or type setting).

megzzTopic starter


megzzTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

I can tell you it will be added in the admin as of this upcoming upgrade.

megzzTopic starter


Marius P.

When it will be done. The community keeps asking for things to add but asks for time...
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