[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] i need help

Started by nobelkansal,

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nobelkansalTopic starter

i want to add download button on video so user can download videos from this site..so tell me how can i do that..


Do you want users to be able to download video uploaded to your site, or are you wanting to let them download embedded videos such as YouTube?

If it is videos uploaded to your site, just find the player code and grab the link from that. As far as YouTube or some other site, that is a little more complicated. Also, you may be violating that video site's terms of service.

This is just off the top of my head, but that is where I would start.

nobelkansalTopic starter

i want to add download button for youtube videos tell me how i can add it..


Again, I am not nearly as skilled as some around here, but as I said; you can not just 'add a download button' for YouTube videos without a bit of coding.

Upon Googling, these are the first results that pop up:

I want to re-iterate, this is probably against Google's Terms of Service.

I doubt anyone is going to just straight up code that for you, however, it shouldn't be all that complicated.

nobelkansalTopic starter

Hey tell to setup this jeckman in my site


I doubt you're going to find anyone to do that for free. It's pretty simple anyhow, just look at the source and work your way through it. All the info you need is there.

nobelkansalTopic starter

really i need your help to install this script send me steps to do this.
at this time i have no money..

Marius P.

You should really read the rules.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

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