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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] I need help configuring automation by cron

Started by tectonny,

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tectonnyTopic starter

I've tried everything, set up the Server bin path, gave permissions to files and videocron.php cron.php and the system does not run the cron.

The only way to see the cron work is if I use the url in the browser:

Is the question you need to set the url in cron job cpanel? If yes what command?

tectonnyTopic starter

I forgot to put my Server bin path


PHPVibe A.

If the bin path was not in there, it could not be executed. Glad you've figured it out.

tectonnyTopic starter

I put the path, but it still does not run cron.

Would not it be easier confiruga task via cpanel?

PHPVibe A.

Sure, you have an simple manager in cpanel

For the crons to work you need to chmod it to 555 or upper (cron.php) and have the read bin path, also shell_exec active.

tectonnyTopic starter

Good day, I dedicated use without restriction to shell_exe server role, as it can not work?

Any test I can do to test the ssh command?

PHPVibe A.

I'm no ssh expert, i think it's just /bin /path-to-file or simple /path-to-file

tectonnyTopic starter

I searched the internet, the command is this:
php -i | grep php.ini

When run this way /usr/local/lib/php.ini received'll put on the site to see if it works.

PHPVibe A.

Oh, sorry I got your question wrong.

You can try following command to check where is php

which php
whereis php

whereis - locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command
which - shows the full path of (shell) commands.

tectonnyTopic starter

Yes, view the answers:

# which php

# whereis php
php: /usr/bin/php /usr/lib/php.ini /usr/local/bin/php /usr/local/lib/php.ini /usr/local/lib/php /usr/local/lib/php.ini,v /usr/local/php


PHPVibe A.

tectonnyTopic starter

This is what I've always used, but cron jobs do not work.

Want information on the admin via PM to verify?

PHPVibe A.

Do you have any cron jobs in admin?
If so, the file cron.php does it have full execute permissions?
What's the cron_interval in tools -> options api (it does not run all the time, just when the duration is passed).

tectonnyTopic starter

See the attached image.
Permissions have been placed according to the documentation.
I've tried 0555 0755

tectonnyTopic starter

To clarify the last time I worked was calling the url in the browser.


PHPVibe A.

Run it from cpanel, not sure what the issue is, it works fine for me with shel_exec, but I'm not an hosting expert to tell why it doesn't work for you.


Quote from: tectonny on
To clarify the last time I worked was calling the url in the browser.


Maybe you can use a cron service called easycron.com to trigger the script to run, it very easy to set up and supports multiple configurations.

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