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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] I need to right to left the template

Started by YehudaBitton,

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YehudaBittonTopic starter

Hello I need to rtl my website how do I do that I need full rtl not part of the website.
Pls help me how to do it thanks ;)

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: Alexander on
I'm not sure what that implies, I saw many RTL copies of PHPVibe, I think it's just a matter of changing the metatags in tpl/{used theme}/tpl.globals.php

I guess

<html dir="rtl" lang="he-IL">

Or you could try http://www.phprevolution.com/forum/plugins-mods/phpvibe-to-arab-rtl-gt-a-suggestion-tool/msg13800/#msg13800

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on

hey i'm trying to change that lone and see what do i get http://thenextstar.co.il/ not all the website is rtl.
and i'm don't understand what this tool do you can explain me what did she do?

PHPVibe A.

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
What did you try so far?


And there are tools to convert the css to rtl:


pls i'm really not understand how to do that could you help me to rtl the website i can pay if it need?

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: YehudaBitton on
pls i'm really not understand how to do that could you help me to rtl the website i can pay if it need?

guess you missed the big message on the front page saying we are going to leave for vacation...this is the last day and I still have 80 tickets to answer.
I can help after we get back, but have to test, cause never did it before.

YehudaBittonTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
guess you missed the big message on the front page saying we are going to leave for vacation...this is the last day and I still have 80 tickets to answer.
I can help after we get back, but have to test, cause never did it before.
how much it will cost to me? or you will rtl it for free?

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: YehudaBitton on
how much it will cost to me? or you will rtl it for free?

I can't promise anything, never did this before, I will try.
But we are coming back in 2 weeks.

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