[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] If video live ,other Overlay ?

Started by ipeci,

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ipeciTopic starter

Hi there,
how i can fix the code at... /tpl/main/video-loop.php

             <span class="overlay"></span>
if($video->duration > 0) { echo '   <span class="timer">'.video_time($video->duration).'</span>'; }
echo '</div>

if i embed a live videostream,to  instead of place who showing video length e.g( 4:27 min) to place a image( like live.png or gif). But only if is not a video vith length! forexample if i embed a video with any length ,should show a vodeo length ,but if i put a video livestream and give 0 length to replace with an live image.


PHPVibe A.

If a video does not have lenght it's considered an image.


if($video->duration > 0)



as a fast solution.

ipeciTopic starter

the result should be like if

if there no video length the replace who shows the timer to any text maby eg.(live)

plz se the example here  http://veetle.com/
there is a live-badge at the top-left of videos ,if videos are alive.


PHPVibe A.

So where is the problem? It's even simpler, just replace the icon for picture with a live badge.

ipeciTopic starter

Hi Alex
the problem is that I want to keep both options, the background image and it should be displayed in the corner of the image display live!
With simple words should, if I give the video length 0 city video length (timer) this live hint should be displayed, city blank and the (thumbnail-image)
My wish would be that all happens automatically as soon as I get a null as the video length to get this LIVE message appear exactly there where else the timer is displayed.

Thanks for any help :-)

PHPVibe A.

You need to modify the insert, cause it's numeric, so, never "null".

ipeciTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

Rethink your strategy, to make it null you need to edit 10-15 files and database.

ipeciTopic starter

if videolength is 0 ,is there no option to replace with a picture or a small icon, on a same place right corner botom who showing videolength  ?

PHPVibe A.

ipeciTopic starter

i mind , another small icon or text "live" in the same place who show wideolength eg.00:24

PHPVibe A.

Just work with the video loop, the code it's all in there :) You can easily if that :)

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