[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] images are falling under "Watch Videos". (V4)

Started by ronyhage,

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ronyhageTopic starter


When an image is uploaded, you can see it in "watch videos" in the sidebar. I want don't want images to appear in the videos section. how can I do it? as I want them only to appear in the images section.


PHPVibe A.

media < 2
to the sql query.


replace all instances of

and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.pub > 0


and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.pub > 0 and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.media < 2

ronyhageTopic starter

ok i replaced all the codes with the code you gave me.

media < 2
to the sql query.

Sorry im new to coding. I think this is whats stopping me from making it work because i replaced the code with the code you gave me already and its not working.

Replaced this:and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.pub > 0
with: and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.pub > 0 and ".DB_PREFIX."videos.media < 2


PHPVibe A.

I've updated com/com_videolist.php in latest version on the store.

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