[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] importer from youtube

Started by mzikagate,

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mzikagateTopic starter

importer from youtube store data on my local server or yt server ?
if can i need to store data in my server

PHPVibe A.

The importer just embeds from Youtube.
We won't build an youtube mp4 video downloader, since that will need upgrading every few days and we don't have that time.
Maybe using a downloading class and correlate it with our importer is the way to go for your need.

mzikagateTopic starter

WHEN WILL 3.6B DONE ? i still wait to install from begin and i dont want to install 3.6 now until to get 3.6b ready

PHPVibe A.

Please stop pushing for something, you'll just get my colleagues to say "this is it" and release it, then you will complain it doesn't have that and that.
They are doing their best to release it as soon as possible, they wanted to incorporate an plugins system, but since we get 100 mails per day about when...when...when I'm sure we'll see it next year  (and I'm really waiting for this plugins system >:( )

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