[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] character problem

Started by quincetin,

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quincetinTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

Hi, page is off, can you please be specific so I can help, what it turns into what?

quincetinTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

Hi, apply this

Quote from: Alexander on




quincetinTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

Did you try to save it using the source function in the editor, maybe the editor doesn't support those characters.

PHPVibe A.

You got me wrong, the editor has an "source" button, there you can edit directly the source.
Verify your forum account so I can move this to support and help you out.

quincetinTopic starter

unfortunately it did not work, thanks for help

PHPVibe A.

May need to change some stuff in the editor for the language support.
Do the account validation http://www.phprevolution.com/forum-verification/

quincetinTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

Seems for turkish you need some special decoding with the editor.


Paste this as the end of lib/functions.html.php before the last ?>

function turkishcharacters( $string ) 
  $string = str_replace ( 'ç', 'ç', $string ); 
  $string = str_replace ( 'ý','ı',$string ); 
  $string = str_replace ( 'Ç', 'Ç', $string ); 
  $string = str_replace ( 'Ö', 'Ö', $string ); 
  $string = str_replace ( 'Ý', 'Ü', $string ); 
  $string = str_replace ( 'Ð','Ğ',$string ); 
  $string = str_replace ( 'Þ','Ş', $string ); 
  $string = str_replace ( 'Ý','İ', $string ); 
  $string = str_replace ( 'ö','ö', $string ); 
  $string = str_replace ( 'þ','ş', $string ); 
  $string = str_replace ( 'ð','ğ', $string ); 
  $string = str_replace ( 'ü','ü', $string ); 
  $string = str_replace ( 'ý','ı', $string ); 
  $string = str_replace ( '&','&', $string ); 
  return $string; 

then find this bit upper

function _html($txt){
return stripslashes(html_entity_decode($txt, ENT_QUOTES));

and change it to

function _html($txt){
return turkishcharacters(stripslashes(html_entity_decode($txt, ENT_QUOTES)));

quincetinTopic starter


quincetinTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

quincetinTopic starter

I can do this job, but I need some time

PHPVibe A.

Is turish utf-8 or need other encoding? Do the same characters fail in video titles?
I need to understand and figure out the code difference if not.

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