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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Issues with Social Logins

Started by Hersh,

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HershTopic starter

I set up Google 0Auth and entered the values in admin. When I try to login, after I select my Google account, I get sent to a page that says
Error. Please go back

Here is the callback return:

When I tested Facebook, I found the script was asking for way too many rights:

will receive the following info: your public profile, email address, custom friends lists, News Feed and status updates.

Why are Custom friends lists, News Feed and status updates necessary? This is excessive and an invasion of people's privacy. Please tell me where I can edit/remove these values.


Marius P.

Make sure your app is configured correct and also the service enabled in the apis list for the account.

//Facebook permissions(default values)
$conf_facebook['permissions'] = 'email,publish_stream,user_status,read_stream,read_friendlists';
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HershTopic starter

What is the specific API I need to enable in the API's list? I've checked everything and I can't find anything wrong with my settings.

Marius P.

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Marius P.

Also the server's error log must be checked, so we know if the server doesn't reject it based on some setting.
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HershTopic starter

I suspected it would be Google+. I was going to try it but thought they separated the 0Auth layer from it. Thank you.

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