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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Issues with video file

Started by Rafa,

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RafaTopic starter

I have recorded a video with my own camera and edited the video and I am trying to upload the outcome. The video is in ".avi" format and it plays without any problems on Windows Media Player. However, when I upload the file on the website (on top of taking longer than usual) it uploads the file as an image.

I would like some help figuring out why that is. In other words, why is this video not behaving how it should?


Marius P.

I can't figure out from what you are explaining.

Do you use ffmpeg? Avi requires ffmpeg because is not an web playable format, it needs to be converted to an .mp4
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RafaTopic starter

Yes Mario, I am using FFMPEG.
I have tried another .avi video (The test.avi file -The bunny one) and it did not work either. It seems I am having an issue converting the avi files to mp4. Have ran into that before?

Please advise.

RafaTopic starter

I've tried several mp4 videos and had no problems. But for the .avi I'm only able to get the video cover. When I click on it the video (dark screen) keeps loading forever.

Marius P.

Don't focus on phpvibe, focus on the ffmpeg.
What version is it? Does the tester return any error on .avi?
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RafaTopic starter

Here is what I got for the FFMPEG
Check out the attachment.

RafaTopic starter

Here is what I got for the PHPVibe Tester File
Please, check out the attachment.

I also tried uploading a .mov file and got the same result as the .avi (only the cover image)

Thanks for you time.

Marius P.

The ffmpeg is not compatible with PHPVibe, it's 0.6 and PHPVibe works on 1.0+
Yours is to old to use for modern conversions. You can search ffmpeg in the search form and see, there are tens of discussions.
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Quote from: @Mario on
The ffmpeg is not compatible with PHPVibe, it's 0.6 and PHPVibe works on 1.0+
Yours is to old to use for modern conversions. You can search ffmpeg in the search form and see, there are tens of discussions.

I am actually having this same issue with my host at the moment. They claim my VPS is setup in a stack, and that it would be impossible to update past 0.7 without breaking it. I have my doubts, but I am trying to find a way around it without doing a hard install through SSH.

Marius P.

See the notes on ffmpeg here http://www.phprevolution.com/installing-phpvibe/ , you can easily build your own command.
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RafaTopic starter

I followed the steps in the post mentioned:

And it made EVERYTHING worse.
The script no longer recognizes the ffmpeg that was working before. And whatever got downloaded does not have what I need.

Marius P.

Wait a minute, FFMPEG depends on your operating system, there are different ways to install it based on the OS of your server and once again it depends on that.

Indeed is very tricky to install FFMPEG, this is why we don't offer it as service, can take 10 minutes or you can loose a day googling for different errors and symptoms. Not for a starter in web hosting things (I can't do it, never could have, tried weeks, before hiring help).

If you use CentOs I recommend this: https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/CompilationGuide/Centos
Else, the article for your OS on the ffmpeg.org wiki. The guy that did it for us mentioned he used this steps.

also, make sure you uninstall what ever you have already installed, since one version won't remove the previous one, but will conflict with it big time.

The command for the wiki (at least for us) is ffmpeg (no path,nothing else, just ffmpeg).
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RafaTopic starter

Hey Mario, you ain't joking when you say you can spend an entire day googling ffmpeg... I did it. it wasn't easy and somehow I figured out how to install a 0.6 version.

Yesterday, when it all went to hell it was pretty sickening, but I got it up and running again. I'll study some more before trying upgrading the package. We'll see!

Knowing I need a newer version is a good starting point, until then... Only MP4 on my website.

Cheers and Thanks for the help!

Marius P.

Use a 2.0 or 2.2 version of ffmpeg (not 0.6) mate.
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