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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] JPlayer Beta testing

Started by PHPVibe A.,

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PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Please give us your findings and feedback:
Note: The page may present errors at time due to our team working on it.


woooow its awsome and the ads working on Embed player too




Very Neat!
I look forward to the upgrade.


That is really amazing ::)


Skype: epic.mediauz

PHPVibe A.Topic starter


Is it possible to let visitor choose the video resolution(for example 240p, 320p, 480p, 720p and etc)?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

jplayer doesn't have support for that...only if you use two individual video files...




i want this player in my site , can u please add this ??

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

It's not released, we are just testing with it...




Good job it's awesome, but it would be good if the player control bar doesn't disapear after hovering over the video. Also i noticed the player didn't show up on firefox. I'm using a macbook pro (latest version)



PHPVibe A.Topic starter

The player is not our build, just css design and ads are touched/built by us.


Compatibility verified with:

Chrome 27 (Win, OSX) †
Firefox 21 (Win, OSX) †
Firefox 3.6 (Win)
Safari 6.0.4 (OSX) †
Opera 12.15 (Win, OSX) †
Internet Explorer 10 (Win)
Internet Explorer 9 (Win)
Internet Explorer 8 (Win)
Internet Explorer 7 (Win)
Internet Explorer 6 (Win)
† Tested using the latest browser release when this jPlayer version was released.

Apple dropped support for Windows in Safari 5.1.7

Mobile Browser
Compatibility verified with:

Mobile Safari (iOS 6.1: iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch) †
All iOS browsers use this engine.
iPhone / iPod Touch: Video plays in the QuickTime plugin.
Prior to iOS 6, the Play and load bar progress did not work well when using multiple instances of jPlayer. This browser enables one media element at a time, so playing 2 instances together is not possible.
Mobile Chrome (Android 4.2.2: Nexus 7) †
The tab must be in focus for the media to play.
Playbook Browser †
† Tested using the latest browser release when this jPlayer version was released.


Any idea when you'll be releasing the new feature?
How will the upgrade work? Will this be a paid upgrade or something built-in the core of the script (therefore free for those who are supported)?


PHPVibe A.Topic starter

PHPVibe 3.6b will come when it's done, it could be 2h, it could be 2 days. This things take usually bit of time, since it needs calibration everywhere.
The upgrade is free, built in the core.


Sound is good, Thank you.

But I have a question, Can I use adsense codes with this or not, or any risk for adsense ?
Really I am not sure.

Marius P.

Can't say, better ask a lawyer/somebody which can interpret their TOS for you. Some do and never have a problem, some have problems...when you bump into problems they never really explain as to 'why' so can't say.
You can place any html in those ad spots.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


Still waiting for this update.
Leave a message here when is ready.
Keep up this great job

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Development works on the admin, it will be released as soon as they finish.



PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: boxboy on
http://i.imgur.com/UtA8FT3.png There is one small problem

Hmm, what device and browser (vs?) please!
And thank you!


Browser:Google Chrome. I use notebook and my screen resolution is 1366 x 768

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Wait a second, I've tested that. I tough the video gets cut off by height, but that's scrolled.
The problem is the annotation has a bigger z-index than the header, right? But you can't make it smaller, it will go below the video.
I think a good solution is to make the header not fixed on the video page.

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