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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] JPlayer finally comming to PHPVibe

Started by Marius P.,

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Player logo configuration desired

Logo over the video area (a video corner)
Logo on the console bar down (next to volume)

Marius P.Topic starter

Pretty soon JPlayer will come to PHPVibe!
I am considering an alternative version (custom brought with extended license design) as the main player of PHPVibe, have to figure out the logo and maybe some ad integration similar to youtube "next video sugestions" which work great when externally embedded.

Who ever wants to donate an couple of bucks for the expense of this changes (dev is made by an external team) can do it to the phpvibe.com@gmail.com PayPal address. Thank you!

Integration design is brought under extended license already:

This is the 3rd player to join our player's suite in less than 3 months, just cause we care for you guys!  ;)
PS: Please vote in the logo positioning pool.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

PHPVibe A.

Did you guys finally make it work on jquery 1.8? That's AMAZING news! Love this player so much!

Marius P.Topic starter

Yes, we did.
did you just announce this topic? Cause I've announced it to  :-[
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: @Mario on
Yes, we did.
Quote from: @Mario on

did you just announce this topic? Cause I've announced it to  :-[
Sorry  :(  :-X


Whats about TorrentStream / ACE Stream embed player integration?

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: MiXFiX on
Whats about TorrentStream / ACE Stream embed player integration?

We won't integrate any more players by default, they are already to many.

PHPVibe A.


is the UI customizable? rly nice player btw

PHPVibe A.

PHPVibe A.


If you don't mind me asking. What is the advantage of JPlayer over JWPlayer or Flowplayer?

PHPVibe A.

Seems a bit more slick and easy to personalize.
Both the others need license key from them for ads and customization is very limited.
I've played a bit with jplayer and I like it a lot, but it depends from person to person.


Quote from: Alexander on
Seems a bit more slick and easy to personalize.
Both the others need license key from them for ads and customization is very limited.
I've played a bit with jplayer and I like it a lot, but it depends from person to person.

I see there are already few players in built. The function which I see is missing (or I am missing it( is that it cannot be played directly in facebook. Will this new player have this feature on directly playing from facebook or other social sharing website? If possible that will be great. If this possible now also, please tell me how?
It may not suit to everyone if people want users to visit the website but it can given as an optional feature.


PHPVibe A.

It only works with jwplayer 5 as player since it requires flash, but it won't play on mobiles.
Just need to add the jwplayer5 and the flashvars embedded in the url to og:video, but it's a dead way since most use facebook from mobiles and they will see only the plugin not existing.


Glad there is also JW player 5 in PhpVibe 3.6 , fullscreen is a problem whit  Firefox on mobile.

JW player 5 work best on mobile whit firefox. :)

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25 GB ram
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100 GB Internet connection

PHPVibe A.

jw player 5 it's a flash player. It won't work on devices with no flash like ios ones.


Quote from: Alexander on
jw player 5 it's a flash player. It won't work on devices with no flash like ios ones.

It work on Firefox , but in Google Chrome not  ;D

device Samsung note 3 + Android 4.4 KitKat

Linux VPS server
Intel  Xeon 8 core
25 GB ram
10 TB HD
100 GB Internet connection

PHPVibe A.

S3 mini, S3 and S4 don't render it also.
Firefox must have an built in plugin for flash, but most people use Chrome or native android browser (rumor said it will replaced by chrome).


when this player suppose to be released  ? i am waiting  :)

PHPVibe A.

Was Mario's job, but since he was more at the doctors than at work, I'll try to get a copy see if my colleague from coding can continue it...or add it as it is, and Mario will update it when he's back.


I love this player and can't wait to see it working with PHPVibe! You guys are just awsome and what distinguishes you from your competitors is constant improvement of your product and good client support. Keep on doing that. you're simply the

PHPVibe A.

Thank you, trying to wrap it up before the vacation.

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