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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Keep own changings after upgrading?

Started by Playmoli,

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PlaymoliTopic starter

in this thread (-> http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/themes-look/modify-new-theme/ ) I read that all changings (CSS) are gone after upgrading to v4.
PHP/JavaScript/SQL as well?

Is it possible to keep own changings or at least to keep the work/time for modifying the upgrade as low as possible?

If not, it would be a very big disadvantage for PHPVibe.
I think many prospective customers would decide for another Software otherwise.

Or is it possible to use only the functions of PHPVibe and develop an own theme?
Where could I find a documentation about how to do this in details?


Marius P.

You can use a tool for comparing files and keep your changes.
sure, it will require editing and code tweaks.

Right now 4.0 doesn't touch that much the theme, more the core, at this stage.
But, it will soon.

A point of a major upgrade is always massive changes, no other cms can make you have an mass upgrade without losing custom changes.
I've always asked our clients to build a custom css file to overwrite the style changes and not edit the css files that come standard.
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PlaymoliTopic starter

Quote from: @Mario on
I've always asked our clients to build a custom css file to overwrite the style changes and not edit the css files that come standard.

I can imagine, why there are only few themes on the market and why there isn't almost anyone, who wants to build an own custom css. The documentation is very poor generally and especially the comments are missing in the stylesheets, f.ex.

I'm really very interested in coding this by my own - but it's almost impossible caused by unlogical and missing thought-out explanations ... and the subsequent and disproportionate time invested.

So it would be very good, if you could give more detailled information about the "How To"s that PHPVibe could become really "an easy to work with file system" like you mention it in "Understanding the PHPVibe functional flow".

I could help you producing this documentation (and I hope other forum users as well) - but we (all forum members should work together, and if everyone shares information and gives a part of the own experiences, then a useable documentation could grow.

Best regards,

P.S. A software is only as good as its documentation.

Marius P.

I'm aware of this, unfortunately there are always other priority since we're building "in house" for a multinational and all the rest of the projects are still "side projects", but the contract finishes on 1st of March, since then things will change drastically into better around here.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
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