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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] My website is always loading

Started by androiduserfan,

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androiduserfanTopic starter

I have a problem with my phpvibe.

My website is always loading! As you can see is always showing the loading red bar on top and never stop!
Why this? How can i solve this?

Link to website goo. gl /zWoRsp



androiduserfanTopic starter

Just footer and sidebar..i installed the two importers of phpvibe too!

PS: Just tried to reupload the "Original" sidebar php file but still the same so the problem isn't the sidebar...
can be the footer so? But i don't think so..i just changed the text..

androiduserfanTopic starter

PS2 I tried to restore the footer, the sidebar and to remove the two importers..but the problem still there!  I really don't know...do you have any ideas how can i resolve it?

star top


androiduserfanTopic starter

Which is the cron.php function or generically the cron function??

androiduserfanTopic starter

But what is his function? What he permit to do? His utility?

androiduserfanTopic starter

I already tried deleting cache/cookie...


i would suggest you to make a fresh-install on a sub-directory,
for example http://yournights.net/test_phpvibe/

to see if the loading is because a mistake in the code or if its because of your server


androiduserfanTopic starter

But he worked!!!

Before i installed the two modules he perfectly worked!

androiduserfanTopic starter

Tried to delete cron.php but didn't solved...can a developer of PhpVibe help me please?


i guess you did something wrong with the installed importers,
maybe you have a semicolon ( ; ) too much or so

androiduserfanTopic starter

Solved! I re uploaded all files and worked!

PHPVibe A.

The important thing in such an issues is to see what file causes the load. Nobody can tell you from the outside, if you see what's the load maker, we can help with an advice fast.
and you can check that via ssh or whm, etc,

androiduserfanTopic starter

Yes i know! I already tried to check what is loading with Chrome Developer tools but i didn't find nothing!

Now as you can see on my website (link at top of topic) the search icon is under the search box...and i again didn't touched nothing as i just reuploaded all files...what can be?

PHPVibe A.

j<!doctype html>

No changes? Then from where is this "j" before the website's code?
This is your problem...this j breaks stuff.

androiduserfanTopic starter

Maybe i have a ghost that is playing with the code of my script  ;D hahah

thanks for your help: solved again!

PHPVibe A.

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