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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Loading the player...

Started by wmaster,

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wmasterTopic starter

It s a Chameleon player message:

"Loading the player..."

So, what can we do now ?

PHPVibe A.

wmasterTopic starter

I made changes but the same thing - Loading ...
I like the chameleon player looks but seems need more changes in php.

I am waiting ... maybe next period things will be done and player working for me.

PHPVibe A.

Chameleon does not have that message, jwplayer has it, make sure you clear cache and that the cache files in /cache actually get cleared.

wmasterTopic starter

and the php code was not like you said:
replace this with this.

There was the both codes inside php, maybe an alterated code cause this!


PHPVibe A.

All the patches are applied to the script in store, instead of editing, you may just replace the file with a newly downloaded one.


I redownloaded the script and replaced com/com_video. but I am still having the "Loading the player..." issue.

I cleaned cache from admin, and browser as well.

wmasterTopic starter

Yes! They say upload right files - maybe they don t know the actual files archive statement. Player is not working, with/without modifications.


I have the same problem with JW player. I uploaded this .mp4 and it just says loading warning NSFW http://twerkflix.com/video/3365/cherise-roze-makes-her-cheeks-bounce-to-quot-money-baby-quot-/


JwPlayer 5 work ok, only on jw6 have this proablem.
Now i set youtube player for youtube and jw5 for other and work ok.
I use old version 3.5 of phpvibe.


Also I converted the video to .flv then uploaded it and it fixed the problem. I have even had this problem with youtube embeds though that are set to play using JWplayer. I think it is a JWplayer issue like you said

PHPVibe A.

jwplayer seems to be having more and more issues.

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