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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Local host installation

Started by stevelka,

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stevelkaTopic starter


1: I am not able to install the script in my localhost, it is asking for the key!
Please fixe it. I nead absolutly to install it in my localhost

2: I installed the script in http://infosuralgerie.com/videos/ it sems to work fine, but the total videos views in the admin area, looks like it conts boot's visits. The number of views if far from the "real" one given by google analytics Please fixe it.


PHPVibe A.


1. It won't work on an ip, never has. http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/troubleshooting-issues/license-key-check-(localhost)/ The way to install it in localhost is to point a dummy domain to your localhost (using Google DNS, or other free dns).
2. Make a check and optimize on your database  http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/troubleshooting-issues/2-videos-6000-views/

stevelkaTopic starter

As far as I kknow you canot install it in the localhost  :(

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: stevelka on
As far as I kknow you canot install it in the localhost  :(

That is correct, unless you point a domain to your localhost's ip.

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