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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] logo error help

Started by leen12,

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leen12Topic starter


ok so after rc2 was released i made myself a logo its not great but will do for now, anyway i was using it for a while but was not happy with its position as it was slightly off and not centered

i then removed the logo and waited a bit for someone else to ask but no luck yet so here it is

whats the correct size of the logo? i seen on the demo site its 145 x 45 i tried that size and it puts my website off completely

135 x 35 is too small and the image is in wrong position

i also tried to take the logo from the demo site and test it on my site to see if it was the correct size
now when i try upload a new logo it shows as my old shitty logo wrong position sets the website off and a few other problems,

i cannot replace this image now just remove it

if i try another image it returns the same

any help on this matter would mean a lot

or even some help on what the correct size of logo should be or how to fix the errors when it is the wrong size?

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Marius P.

The header point is simple, it has some rules for the logo, rules you can change for yourself and setup how you want your website.

In VQQ this rules are modified to fit the logo:

.logo {
display: block;
float: left;
padding: 1px 0 0;



PHPVibe by default has a bigger padding.
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leen12Topic starter

ahh i see i will give it a go thanks,

im trying to upload another logo, every image i upload shows as this image any idea why?

the one im currently trying to upload is from phpvibe demo site
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Marius P.

It recodes the image, and if it's transparent png, it doesn't keep transparency.
But you can overwrite it via ftp if it's transparent.
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leen12Topic starter

hmm i dont know i tried a few times, even cleared cache and deleted the files from the website

all images return the same image

i also tried to overwrite via ftp but still the same image
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Marius P.

It's browser cache I guess. Did you delete it and reupload it? Cause I guess overwrite will fail due to permissions
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leen12Topic starter

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Marius P.

Show me the site, it's impossible if you overwrite it via ftp to not change :)
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leen12Topic starter

ok i removed the logo but i will reupload it again to show you

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leen12Topic starter

sorry i just checked again must be something wrong with my logo

i dont know what though it is transparent and stuff so idk what the problem is,... il have to make a new one and try it
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Marius P.

Ok, just place the logo as uploads/site-logo.png and don't use the uploader, use ftp...that's all.
If you can't overwrite it, delete it (not from site, but via ftp) and upload the logo with name site-logo.png and you're set.
I don't really understand why you can't figure this stuff out...

Edit : You probably got them mixed sometime :)
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leen12Topic starter

it must be as i was using the same image under different modifications,

i tried that a few times yesterday and they all returned the same image, today seems fine but it must have something to do with the transparency of my image

thanks for the help anyway
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leen12Topic starter

its happening again =/

i uploaded my new logo via ftp, i can still see the old logo from your demo site,

i overwrote the site-logo.png

still no change, deleted website cache and browser cache still same..
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leen12Topic starter

this is weird lol... the site-logo.png in my website ftp is what i want, on the website its an old one,

cleared cache a few times, browser cache and a few other things,

even the embedded one on here is the old one.. wtf?
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Marius P.

I think you are doing something terribly wrong! :)


Upload a logo named site-logo.png (VIA admin)
Go via ftp to /uploads
Delete site-logo.png
Upload transparent site-logo.png (VIA FTP only).

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leen12Topic starter

ok that worked.. now my logo has a black background it should be transparent
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Marius P.

For easy browser cache clean, open http://viralwire.co.uk/uploads/site-logo.png in browser, refresh till it show the one, then refresh the site :)
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Marius P.

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leen12Topic starter

this is serious hassle just to change the logo lol =/

ive done them steps numerous times, as far as i know my logo is transparent, i will upload it to imageshack in a minute to test it here,

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leen12Topic starter

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Marius P.

Well, the logo on server is not transparent, you are either copying the wrong logo, or i don't know...this has nothing to do with phpvibe, and the server does not modify images on ftp upload...
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leen12Topic starter

hmm i dont know what the problem is, all my logos are transparent
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Marius P.

Can you e-mail your ftp so I can have a shot? And if I do it...you owe me a pizza
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leen12Topic starter

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Marius P.

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