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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] m3u8 and ts file

Started by lienkhuong,

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lienkhuongTopic starter


i want to add link video as m3u8 (ts file) but phpvibe not support

example: http://xxx.net/ovod/_definst_/mp4:mp4//OTT/TV/DespicableMe2_USA.mp4/chunklist.m3u8


PHPVibe A.

Please verify your account for support.

lienkhuongTopic starter

sorry i verified my account yesterday

PHPVibe A.

Verify it from the store, as client http://get.phpvibe.com/forum. There is a message up. If you are verified client you have access to support, else you can only access the public forum (non-support).

lienkhuongTopic starter

I used demo phpvibe and test file m3u8 (TS File) but it not support.

I intended buy phpvibe for my website. If it support m3u8 i will buy it immediately ( I hope it add to phpvibe 4.0)


PHPVibe A.

Quote from: lienkhuong on
I used demo phpvibe and test file m3u8 (TS File) but it not support.

I intended buy phpvibe for my website. If it support m3u8 i will buy it immediately ( I hope it add to phpvibe 4.0)


I assume it needs an different mine-type that our server returns, this should be set in the .htaccess file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19782389/playing-m3u8-files-with-html-video-tag

lienkhuongTopic starter

Hi. Alexander
I want in PHPvibe can get link m3u8 another website. not stream in my server. same HDvideo Share in joomla (https://www.apptha.com/category/extension/joomla/hd-video-share)



PHPVibe A.

Quote from: lienkhuong on
Hi. Alexander
I want in PHPvibe can get link m3u8 another website. not stream in my server. same HDvideo Share in joomla (https://www.apptha.com/category/extension/joomla/hd-video-share)


I'll check out what it involves, i'm pretty sure it's a simple tweak.


Quote from: Alexander on
I'll check out what it involves, i'm pretty sure it's a simple tweak.
cool :cool: ;)

lienkhuongTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
I'll check out what it involves, i'm pretty sure it's a simple tweak.

So good

PHPVibe A.

I assume if you remove this

echo '<div class="msg-warning">'._lang("Seems that link it's not valid or link is wrong").'</div>';

and use jwplayer for remote it should work if you link to a .m3u8 in moderator/add-video.php
I will test as soon as I have an moment from this upgrade.

lienkhuongTopic starter

Hi @Alexander

you fixed m3u8 in phpvibe 4.0? i test but it not work



I have the same problems with m3u8 !  :-\

PHPVibe A.

My previous solution should work fine. If you insert it as a remote video, if you upload it ffmpeg will try to convert it to an .mp4 file.

PHPVibe A.

Oh, sorry about that, this requires a paid version of jwplayer (didn't notice the info) http://support.jwplayer.com/customer/portal/articles/1430240-hls-adaptive-streaming

lienkhuongTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
Oh, sorry about that, this requires a paid version of jwplayer (didn't notice the info) http://support.jwplayer.com/customer/portal/articles/1430240-hls-adaptive-streaming
i want to get link m3u8 from another website (as remote link in phpvibe) not stream in my server.

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: lienkhuong on
i want to get link m3u8 from another website (as remote link in phpvibe) not stream in my server.

I know, but you will need to buy a jwplayer version and replace the one in phpvibe (and the demo key).
It seems you can do it with flowplayer for free. Let me patch it.

lienkhuongTopic starter

Thank @Alexander i wait for the patch

PHPVibe A.

Tried, but it always fails for m3u8, even if I've changed it according to their documentation.

lienkhuongTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
Tried, but it always fails for m3u8, even if I've changed it according to their documentation.
@ Alexander

I tested m3u8 with Jplayer, it play in mobile but it doesn'nt working in pc. Can you try jplayer?


PHPVibe A.

lienkhuongTopic starter


PHPVibe A.

lienkhuongTopic starter

Quote from: Alexander on
Doesn't play for me on desktop or mobile.
with me it working in ios and android but doesn't in desktop. you can try

lienkhuongTopic starter

@alexander.  you can test in your phpvibe. now you can't connect my site for play video because internet my country have problem. (Broken cable to international)

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