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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Need Help Setting up "homepage"

Started by ericsmith,

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ericsmithTopic starter

I am getting this error when I login to the backend "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/fido4america/public_html/tpl/main/channels.php on line 3" How do I fix this. I am also getting another error

"No video blocks for the homepage have been created yet."

"You can choose what to show on the homepage by going to the admin panel and clicking "Homepage" in the main menu."

How do I even get to the homepage? Sounds dumb and trivial but I am using version 3.6 I installed myself, and went through checklist. I created admin login, and it is only adding me as a user. here are pictures of my plight.

Marius P.

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ericsmithTopic starter

Hello and I hope all is well. Can you please watch this short video about the problems we are having with your installation for php vibe? http://youtu.be/dyYu3a7eeQA

we are unable to get to the configuration page to set up the homepage blocks. we followed all the interactions. can you please tell us what we are missing? Thanks!


Quote from: ericsmith on
Hello and I hope all is well. Can you please watch this short video about the problems we are having with your installation for php vibe? http://youtu.be/dyYu3a7eeQA

we are unable to get to the configuration page to set up the homepage blocks. we followed all the interactions. can you please tell us what we are missing? Thanks!

very good idea for the video ;),
you will need to log in to your administration to make the change "Homepage Builder" : http://www.fido4america.com/login&return=moderator

Marius P.

Quote from: ericsmith on
Hello and I hope all is well. Can you please watch this short video about the problems we are having with your installation for php vibe? http://youtu.be/dyYu3a7eeQA

we are unable to get to the configuration page to set up the homepage blocks. we followed all the interactions. can you please tell us what we are missing? Thanks!

Hi, first of all. Next time please send the video trough private messaging. Since this video was visible I strongly suggest you change the mysql's user's password.
Our clients are cool people, most we know, but we know very few of them, so can't guarantee they will not try to connect to your database and break it for fun.

What you need to do it go to : http://www.fido4america.com/moderator/
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

ericsmithTopic starter

Hello Mario and I hope all is well. Now I am getting this error "License key check with PHPVibe server has failed.
Please add the correct license key for the domain fido4america.com by editing the file vibe_config.php"

I checked the vibe_config.php file and the license key I put in is in fact correct. Should I try re-installing the entire CMS again? Or am I doing something wrong? Thanks!


Marius P.

Try now.
You've added www. to the domain when creating the license (note said to not do this), I've edited it for you now.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

Marius P.

Btw, you video is stunning, love your diction, wish my English sounded like this.
Maybe you'll allow me to publish it on our Youtube channel as guide (but, I need your permission and to know that you've changed your database password).
I'll ask my friend which is an video editor to censor all the ips and other private data.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

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