[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Menu

Started by saulens,

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saulensTopic starter

I have some issue whit menu.
Categories: Comedy and detective is under music and tv series.
Please attached image.

PHPVibe A.

Hi, edit them in admin and move them to the correct category. Also clear cache from Tools -> Clean cache after
If I understand you well...

saulensTopic starter

Sorry i probably explain wrong.
Level 2 menu overlapping level3 menu icons you can see in image.

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: saulens on
Sorry i probably explain wrong.
Level 2 menu overlapping level3 menu icons you can see in image.

Oh, I see, sorry.

Find this in theme css/vibe.style.css:

.sidebar-nav ul ul {
left: 160px;

and replace it with

.sidebar-nav ul ul {
left: 190px;

increase 190 to 195 if it doesn't fit.

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