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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Missing Important Options on Vibe 3.4

Started by ipeci,

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ipeciTopic starter

Hello Vibe Friends...

***** Fantastic work Mario, I appreciate it.

What would I have to complain about it is that this script has none of these options, which would be very important!

First: Admin can create private and public channels, and no one can upload in private channels auser admin!

Second, (very important): Then create groups of users, and the admin has the possibility to allow certain user (eg. premium) certain channels or watch videos!
A simple option as with the upload rules already exist!

I hope these two well-meaning reviewers are taken into attack and late at least stable version of Vibe 3.4 to be there.

Regards iPeci

ipeciTopic starter

eg. Option for Administrator by Video uploading or embed  " to chosse wich group can watch this video " ( eg.Only authors )   :-X



You should wait a bit because i guess next development will be in 2014 . He was in hurry because everyone wanted 3.4 released untill christmas . And mario simply released without even knowing anything about errors . Understand him and be patient !

Marius P.

Hi ipeci, I understand your needs, let me see what I can do about it.
Basically you ask for private channels and private videos if I am getting this right.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!

ipeciTopic starter


O i hoppe you can fix that , while without this option i cannot use the script  :(

I have not install the script and cannot befin my project only for this reason .

Thank you Mario

ipeciTopic starter

I mind

If i add a New video ,i wont to have a option to chosse wich group of users can watch this video.

And plz. a new option to add another user.groups. as author operator and administrator, i wont to open another groups (like premium group)

I nedd this option , its wery important for me  :'(

ipeciTopic starter

Sry and i forget...

And by edit user ,to have a option to swich a usergroup by this user.

e.g ... if user is a Basic user , i can make him to a premium user , and the user is now a premium and can watch all videos include a premum videos wich can see only premum users.

sorry for my bad english. :-X

PHPVibe A.

Your requests are pretty custom, even if I like the first post's ideas, why not hire somebody for the rest?
We have hundreds of suggestions collected here, and we make what we can and are globally requested for the releases, trying to not make it very "Christmas tree" alike.

ipeciTopic starter

If you not put this option by next version on phpvibe !...
Can you modificate for me plz ?
Im ready to pay for that, while i ned this option.

PHPVibe A.

We're doing our best to add as many possible, we'll talk when release is out.


Maybe adding another option where users can suggest videos to import or let them import themselves and then administrator can review and approve their videos.


PHPVibe A.


On the Front End: When regular USER logged into his account, he can use the Add Video option to import youtube/vimeo/etc to his channel.

On the Back End: Administrator would be able to approve/disapprove the videos that regular users were trying to add to his channel. If approve, videos will be added to USER channel, otherwise if disapprove, video will NOT be added to USER channel.


PHPVibe A.

So, basically the only difference from setting upload state to unpublish, is that the "activity" entry should wait for approval.


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