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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Overlay ads

Started by jacob,

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jacobTopic starter

I can't get overlay ads to show up on embedded videos. Here are the steps to reproduce the problem:

Ads Placement > OverVideo ads > Create Overlay

I fill in the title, choose "video overlay," put in js ad code (it's the same code used before upgrading to 4.0), fill in "ad start" and "ad duration," then "black boxed."


If I then go back to edit the add, the start time is always changed to the time that is placed in the duration field.

I checked the database under "vibe_ads" and don't see that the ad is saving to that table.

I have made sure the caches are cleared and that the ad script works. I've check the html of the video pages and don't see that the ad is called for the player. Other ads work fine.

I'm using 4.0 with patch 12.
PHPVibe v. 3.6
Ulitmatube Theme


Hey Jacob...i don't know if the team phpvibe has come upto something....i mean displaying overlay ads on embed videos...
But as much as i know, you can't create overlay ads on embed videos.....but on the self uploaded videos.

jacobTopic starter

Thanks. I had overlay ads on the same site before I upgraded. I've been looking through the files to see if there is something missing.
PHPVibe v. 3.6
Ulitmatube Theme


I too had the overlay ads on embed videos before upgrade :p...i don't know if that was a bug or was programmed/coded.....and yes after upgrade the overlay ads are not working on embed videos...

jacobTopic starter

So this is really strange. I added an embedded video from the front end and the overlay ad shows fine:


If I add a video from the admin area (most of my embedded videos are) there is no overlay ad:


I'll check the files later and see what's different.
PHPVibe v. 3.6
Ulitmatube Theme


Good lord your website is disgusting with ads. Why would you want to annoy users with so much repugnant display of ads that look a lot like what you would find on malware infested sites. First ad I saw told me I needed to install flash.

PHPVibe A.

Hi, I assume you use an embed code?
Indeed, no ads show up there.

If you want a quick solution, I belive doing this:

$embedvideo .= _ad('1');

just under

$embedvideo	=  render_video(stripslashes($video->embed));

in com/com_video.php should do it

jacobTopic starter


$embedvideo .= _ad('1');

worked, thank you.
PHPVibe v. 3.6
Ulitmatube Theme


is there a way to have overlay ads on top instead of bottom, on 4.0 just like static ad on 36. second edition

PHPVibe A.

You can change this
  /* Static Ads*/ 
 .floating-video-ad {position:absolute; z-index:99999999!important; bottom:12%; display:block; width:100%; height:auto; opacity:0.35; text-align:center; }



from bottom to top (set your distance)


it worked overlay ads are on the top  thanks


I just uploaded to 4.0 and everything works fine except for the video overlay ads. When I create a overvideo ad and save it it says that the ad was created but nothing shows up on the video and when I go back to overvideo ads it says "nothing here yet" like I never saved the ad.


...and I'm not using embedded videos, these were uploaded to my server before I upgraded to 4.0.

PHPVibe A.

The overlay ads in 3.x are not 4.x compatible, you'll have to recreate them, since they've been moved to a new db table.


These are newly created ads I'm talking about. After making a new video ad it says it was created but nothing was saved.

PHPVibe A.

Enable error reporting on top on moderator/index.php, see if any error shows up when saving the add.




Okay Ill try that and let you know what happeneds


I changed the code and it reads; Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/fxvidzne/public_html/moderator/videoads.php on line 9

PHPVibe A.

Ok, open moderator/videoads.php and after ( line 8 ):

$count = $db->get_row("Select count(*) as nr from ".DB_PREFIX."jads ");



Tell me what ezSql outputs on the page after.


It says: ezSQL (v2.17) Debug..

Last Error -- [table 'fxvidzne_will.fxvidz1jads' doesn't exist]

Query [7] -- [Select count(*) as nr from fxvidz1jads]

Query Result..

PHPVibe A.

So your jads table doesn't exist, this was added in 3.6 I think...not sure how you did the upgrade.


I followed the instructions given. Is there a way to create this jads table?


Or reinstall it from the 3.6 zip?

PHPVibe A.

phpmyadmin, run this on the database:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `#dbprefix#jads` (
  `jad_id` int(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `jad_type` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `jad_box` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `jad_start` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `jad_end` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `jad_body` longtext NOT NULL,
  `jad_title` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
  `jad_pos` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
  `jad_extra` text NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`jad_id`)

change #dbprefix# to vibe_ or your used prefix.

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