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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] jwplayer subtitles

Started by j9uddin,

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j9uddinTopic starter

Why is jwplayer so fricken hard to use? Dont understand half of the bs on the site.

Can someone help me install subtitles and captions? Which file needs editing? Where do I embed or upload the vtt file?

Help would be appreciated because the jwplayer support sucks.

PHPVibe A.

Did you read this, it sounds simple http://www.longtailvideo.com/support/jw-player/28845/adding-video-captions/

But it would require and upload hook/link onto video table , field srt and linked as $video->srt in embed processor.

tracks: [{ 
            file: "'.$video->srt.'"

Will try to code the base for it and add it to admin.

j9uddinTopic starter

Yes that was the link that they provided, but you explained it better.

If you can add something to make it simple that would be good because I personally think jwplayer is the hardest thing to edit on the site. But the features they have are just as good as the youtube player. Shame its complicated.

PHPVibe A.

I'll see what I can do about it.
I think disabling the stream.php embed in admin will make jwplayer less capricious, but it will show the real path.
Mario is working on an way to not make it obvious/plain.

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