[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] New site don't work like old site.

Started by aryan2029,

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aryan2029Topic starter

Dear Mario,

i got a vps, and installed ffmpeg and then install phpvibe script, it start working up to now...
then another got another vps, installed ffmpeg and then install phpvibe script but this server doesn't work to convert video thumbnail and add video.
i'm uploading the screen shot of ffmpeg setting and another screen shot from the ssh ffmpeg version.

the configuration of the new site some as old site, when i upload videos to old site, it work well and add the video to the list of videos...
but the second site video will be hide or lost. i don't know where the video go... upload successfull but when i click save it's gone nothing else, their is nothing under unpublished videos.


Marius P.

Hi, there's no way for me to guide with this info more than this:
Check the error log, make sure ffmpeg is working (use the tester from Requirements page or a ssh terminal).
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