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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Pay to watch

Started by jof,

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jofTopic starter

I need a module for my visitors pay to watch videos.

The module need's to work with "Pay per video", "Pay per day", "pay per month"...
Who's available to develop? please give me your best price and time to do it.


Good luck. Ive been asking for over a year.
Asked phpvibe, asked for 3rd party, asked community, asked for a developper... nothing.
Just keep waiting.

Let me know if you get people together. Im 100% interested in this.

I went to freelancer.com and started a freelance project. But there were no developers with phpvibe experience, so I didnt go thru with the project.

Again, if you get something going, let me know.

PHPVibe A.

Indeed, it's been on our schedule for an year now, but we've also been crushed with support, we've been looking for solid developers to expand our team, and hope to release all this pending plugins in the next 2-3 months.

jofTopic starter

If i have time i will develop the plugin. But if anyone is avaible i'll pay.


It looks like there is a market for this, and I could really use the coin. What features are you all wanting? Detail them here, and I will see what I can do. To save confusion and possible lawsuits on your part, I would probably utilize the paypal api. You don't need paypal to pay, as it accepts credit cards, however, to receive the money, you need one.

Just leave me a list of features, and I will attack this. Alex, if I finish this as some sort of plugin, would you put it up in the shop? I am happy to share a cut of profit.

I will setup a test site as a demo once I get it finished. I am a bit busy, but it shouldn't take me an incredibly long time.


Quote from: Alexander on
Indeed, it's been on our schedule for an year now, but we've also been crushed with support, we've been looking for solid developers to expand our team, and hope to release all this pending plugins in the next 2-3 months.

If you are looking for developers, I need some work. I am an amateur freelancer, no hardened professional, but I seem to get things done when I put my mind to it.

Marius P.

Quote from: TheBritain on
If you are looking for developers, I need some work. I am an amateur freelancer, no hardened professional, but I seem to get things done when I put my mind to it.

Jobs are in Bucharest, we work about 70 projects at the moment :)
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


Quote from: @Mario on
Jobs are in Bucharest, we work about 70 projects at the moment :)

Unfortunately, we have more than a few mountains and an ocean separating.

Marius P.

Quote from: TheBritain on
Unfortunately, we have more than a few mountains and an ocean separating.

I've imagined.

This pay to watch is pretty easy to do, will make a plugin for you guys.

It's just a matter of limiting access per group id, it could use the privacy thing in the video table and the current user's group and also an paypal button which updates the user back to a group.

Check if current user group == privacy group {  render video } else { a message}

Not brain surgery, same principle from privacy mode :)
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!



Please make this plugin for phpvibe. this is must have plugin for phpvibe



i am interst also alot for this plugin , pleas any update in it


We need this pluggin too. We need users who want to upload a private video that visitors can pay by paypal to view it. We are willing to pay if someone else does.

Marius P.

Guys, we are actively working on 4.0, for now no new plugins from us until we release this major upgrade.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


Marius I will be honest. I'm using your script more than 1 year. It's a good one but first time when i use your script I got hacked. Your all the customers hacked. Cause your script had problems. And you released new version. you gave us (who have license for the older versions) for free. Thanks. But I'm still having problems to find plugins or themes. You should release free templates or plugins... Lite or full. You can sell but also you should release some free plugins. Cause this script looks so simple and I dont wanna use it anymore.

more than 1 year and still haven't any templates or plugins... and you say normal price is 150 euro (w/o discount) c'mon! This could be a good price. But you should give us service.

Marius P.

Quote from: MDevi on
Marius I will be honest. I'm using your script more than 1 year. It's a good one but first time when i use your script I got hacked. Your all the customers hacked. Cause your script had problems. And you released new version. you gave us (who have license for the older versions) for free. Thanks. But I'm still having problems to find plugins or themes. You should release free templates or plugins... Lite or full. You can sell but also you should release some free plugins. Cause this script looks so simple and I dont wanna use it anymore.

more than 1 year and still haven't any templates or plugins... and you say normal price is 150 euro (w/o discount) c'mon! This could be a good price. But you should give us service.

Honestly if we want to release all plugins we would be making 1 update per 1 year, or 2 years like all the others do.
But we don't finish one upgrade and start making the other, just to progress always.
Put in equation tens of mails and topics per day, see how much time remains for what we would like to do.
We are not that many, actually right now we are very few left, and most of the time we have to work custom projects (non-related to PHPVibe) to make a good monthly paycheck.
I'm sorry we've disappointed you, I wish I had so many people to do so also, but for now we haven't had that luck, and when things were getting much better, my associate decide to leave, and with him the only web designer.

I wish one day the PHPVibe price would be 300-500 euro, the sooner the better.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


i am interst also alot for this plugin


Hello All. It's been a while since I've been back on this forum and I'm very pleased with the progress PHPVive have been making in the past year. So, I've gotten a project for an adult website with the functionality this plugin would provide. Has there been any movement on this yet?? I would be willing to contribute to the development of it to help it along.

Marius P.

Quote from: moe007 on
Hello All. It's been a while since I've been back on this forum and I'm very pleased with the progress PHPVive have been making in the past year. So, I've gotten a project for an adult website with the functionality this plugin would provide. Has there been any movement on this yet?? I would be willing to contribute to the development of it to help it along.

Hi Moe, right now everybody is packing for vacation.
This mod is a top priority after the 4.0 release (even sketched it a bit in php standalone).
Right now just hoping there are sales when we are gone, since the budget for 4.0 is nowhere close to what it needs. So fingers crossed.

Happy holidays!
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


Hey Mario, it's good to hear from you. Hope all is well? And its also good to know this is  high on the priority list once 4.0 is released. Would you have an ETA on the 4.0 release?? (So I can go and purchase the the current version so i don't have to pay for the new one :-) )

Marius P.

Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


Has there been any traction on this topic or is this project dead in the water or rather delayed indefinitely??

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: moe007 on
Has there been any traction on this topic or is this project dead in the water or rather delayed indefinitely??

You can use this logic http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/tutorials/how-to-work-with-the-phpvibe-groups-(subscriptions)/


Quote from: moe007 on
Has there been any traction on this topic or is this project dead in the water or rather delayed indefinitely??

I had written a mod i could integrate it with 4.0 if you interested.
Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.


Yes I would actually. What are the features for your version??


Quote from: moe007 on
Yes I would actually. What are the features for your version??

Send you a pm.
Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.

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