[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] PHPVibe 3.3 Crons import issue

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You fixed it, didn't you? I can tell.
So what in the "heck" did I do wrong Mario? What was I missing?
I hope it wasn't anything obvious.

Marius P.

 :o I'm either growing old and my memory fails, but I recall I didn't get to you yet as I had a pretty heavy list for today.
However, I think you should test with a channel of more videos, as 1 may be skipped due to paginations, I wanted to check that today...
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Yah.. I thought it was working. But now after looking today.. it has run.
I changed the intervals to 3600 seconds. But that didn't do anything.

Quote from: @Mario on
:o I'm either growing old and my memory fails, but I recall I didn't get to you yet as I had a pretty heavy list for today.
However, I think you should test with a channel of more videos, as 1 may be skipped due to paginations, I wanted to check that today...

I think alot of the channels have alot of videos.. we have added many more channels, with many more videos..

So still not sure. Problem still open and unsolved.

Thanks Mario.


Mario, have not heard back from you on this.

Marius P.

I'm still looking around for the issue, it seems it only happens to you.
If anybody else has this problem, please reply.
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Ok, guys...
Unfortunately.. I could not get the "cron trigger" in the index to work for me and my server configuration at Hostmonster (my server company)... however I did find a solution... along with Mario's and the Hosting staff at Hostmonster.

1. Choose the owner to import to (CONFIGURATION). http://screencast.com/t/BIq20duIcJO
    a. Autopush selection must be off, otherwise you will miss your opportunity to Automate the import http://screencast.com/t/ZbfNgRGL 
    b. http://screencast.com/t/1Uhyi9KyWnU  Click "autopush" I kept missing this part too.
3. SCHEDULED TASKS  http://screencast.com/t/ogbzjzL6lcR rename and edit. If you run your cron from the server cpanel, like I ended up doing.. then the interval time won't matter because you will set the interval in the cpanel.

Ok.. the trigger in the index file did not work for me, but doesn't mean that it won't for you..
however you may want to verify your command line 153, before you decide whether it works on your server or not.

Keep in mind. going to /cron.php in my browser did work.
However my issue was always with triggering that file to execute..
and the trigger file resides in the index.php file, and I am not definite on this, but in order to trigger that line of code, you must visit the home page or refresh the site. Mario will correct me if I am wrong...

Let's continue..

1. root/index.php line 153
I had to verify the cron command path.
They told me to try...
$command = "/usr/php/53/usr/bin/php -f ".ABSPATH."/cron.php"; and...
  $command = "/usr/php/53/usr/bin/php -f /home4/spiriua1/public_html/tgn10/cron.php";
But neither one of them would trigger for me at Hostmonster...

The server staff... directed me to..
https://my.hostmonster.com/cgi/help/168 (A list of proper cron job commands..)
and helped me verify my paths.. to php on my server.

So then instead of having the index.php file trigger the cron..
I used...
And this works perfectly....

In addition to this..
I see in SCHEDULED TASKS in my backoffice...
The LAST RUN COLUMN TIMES do update..  http://screencast.com/t/ogbzjzL6lcR

To doulble verify.. you could alwasy.. have an email update sent to your email and it will email you the execution results..


I am now commenting out the trigger code in my index file.


Thank you Mario for all your help and diligence, I know you are super busy!!!
Thanks again bud, we appreciate you!!!

Marius P.

You forgot one important detail:

At first your cron.php had no execute permissions, thus the cpanel cron system could not fire it.

And this is very important, all of you better check your chmod of the file, if it has no execute permission, then it will not fire.
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Thanks for the insights here. I changed the run interval to 43200 but it only runs once a day. I will implement CPANEL crons option and see how it will work.

Marius P.

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