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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] PHPVibe 3.3 RC1 Issues/Bugs [Please report here]

Started by Marius P.,

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Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: tkirui on
is this likely to be included in the next release?i think this is a very useful admin feature to be able to batch upload videos

You realise everybody would have their own cvs structure...it won't be 100% fit to yours.
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Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: seventhief on
still experience default admin for newly registered users.

No way if you updated the user functions after fix. But that won't clean previous user's permission.
I've just checked, group is set to normal/id 4
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Hello ,i just download the script and  when i install for the first time i get this :

Congratulations: No files permission issues found.
Database successfully installed!
Seems there is already an admin user in the database, so you are pretty much done.
Login to your website here with the administrator account then head to /moderator for the admin panel.

But the login and register is not working.Also the LOST PASSWORD .
My sets : www.djcyry.com


Sorry for my post. i just installed an not updated packed that was gave to me.

another problem is here my page source on homepage stop after < / strong > tag (below).

<div class="span2 right-side">
<ul class="statistics">
<li><div class="top-info"><a href="facebook pages link" title="" class="dark-blue-square"><i class="icon-facebook-sign"></i></a><strong>

and i have no footer including the script files

Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: ExtremeTUBE on
Hello ,i just download the script and  when i install for the first time i get this :

Congratulations: No files permission issues found.
Database successfully installed!
Seems there is already an admin user in the database, so you are pretty much done.
Login to your website here with the administrator account then head to /moderator for the admin panel.

But the login and register is not working.Also the LOST PASSWORD .

There is no lost password as the mail functions were not yet done.
Did you upload it over an old one? The users table is blank by default, and you have an moderator...could be a fb/twitter sign up.
Check in the database which user has group_id 1, change it to 4, go back to setup, it will let you create an admin.
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Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: seventhief on
Sorry for my post. i just installed an not updated packed that was gave to me.

another problem is here my page source on homepage stop after < / strong > tag (below).

<div class="span2 right-side">
<ul class="statistics">
<li><div class="top-info"><a href="facebook pages link" title="" class="dark-blue-square"><i class="icon-facebook-sign">[/url]<strong>

and i have no footer including the script files

It sais clearly that RC1 has no footer. Read release notes, this is just for testing, not using on production sites.
I guess you have an error, check source /error logs, let me know what is the error.
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Great work installed RC1 and did not find problems yet, awesome!

One thing I would like to have in the final is the possibility to save the youtube import searches / channel searches to add in the db so a cron can check these search once in the hour or so and import all new videos.

Also a user block option in admin (for spammers) would be awsome!


Hello, I tested the rc1 in two different servers

server1: after  installation, blank page

server2:  installing ok, but can not enter / moderator

ioncube error

I've removed all,  pending rc2

Marius P.Topic starter

That's not an healthy way of testing :)

Why is it blank? What is in the error log? Did you try removing the .htaccess parts as discussed up?

Ioncube is not an error, it's a requirement, PHPVibe will always use ioncube.
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server 3 : blank too

Why is it blank? i don't no   :'(

What is in the error log? I did not log :-[

Did you try removing the .htaccess parts as discussed up? yes i try but nothing  :-\

Marius P.Topic starter

You server generates an error_log files, check it, if not, go to cpanel and look for logs or error log.
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Quote from: @Mario on
You server generates an error_log files, check it, if not, go to cpanel and look for logs or error log.

yes I know, but in the log there is nothing   ??? ???

Marius P.Topic starter

Open index.php , add an
echo "error is dumb";

<?php  error_reporting(E_ALL);

See what error it trows (or if it shows the echo).

Paste it here :)
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Quote from: pidje on
yes I know, but in the log there is nothing   ??? ???

hi, contact your hosting provider and ask them to install ioncube loader for moderator acces, about the blank page i think that you're hosting php has some limits or you use a vps and you didn't install all the php/mysql development plugins
website: http://www.movietend.com  Don't PM me regarding news about the script's, I'm not from the stuff i am regular user like anyone else, Regards


Quote from: @Mario on
Open index.php , add an
echo "error is dumb";

<?php  error_reporting(E_ALL);

See what error it trows (or if it shows the echo).

Paste it here :)

error is dumb
Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/****/public_html/index.php:2) in /home/*****/public_html/load.php on line 3
Fatal error: Call to undefined function _() in /home/*****/public_html/tpl/main/tpl.globals.php on line 110


Quote from: ilie88 on
hi, contact your hosting provider and ask them to install ioncube loader for moderator acces, about the blank page i think that you're hosting php has some limits or you use a vps and you didn't install all the php/mysql development plugins

ok but release 3.1 works very well

Marius P.Topic starter

You miss this php extension .

Fatal error: Call to undefined function _() in /home/*****/public_html/tpl/main/tpl.globals.php on line 110

Drop this dummy function somewhere in functions.php

if ( !function_exists('_') ) { function _($string) { return $string; } }

It was fully replaced in RC2 anyways.

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Quote from: @Mario on
You miss this php extension .

Fatal error: Call to undefined function _() in /home/*****/public_html/tpl/main/tpl.globals.php on line 110

Drop this dummy function somewhere in functions.php

if ( !function_exists('_') ) { function _($string) { return $string; } }

It was fully replaced in RC2 anyways.

oh yeahh!!

it work good now  :D :D


When ever I enable facebook fanpage url in configuration .... output of the script stops at this function on the homepage
<?php echo _fb_count(get_option('fb-fanpage')); ?>

HTML output stops with no errors in php
    <div class="top-info">
    <a href="http://facebook.com/NAMEOFPAGE" title="" class="dark-blue-square"><i class="icon-facebook-sign"></i></a>

Anyone else have this problem?

Marius P.Topic starter

Do you have a facebook app key in config?
The count uses the official fb api, so it needs the keys, I've coded a protection just now.

In lib/functions.php replace the function with this one:

//Fb count
function _fb_count($name){
if(Fb_Key && Fb_Secret) {
$fans = get_option('fb-fans');
$checked = get_option('fb-fans-checked');
if(($checked + 400) < time()) {
require_once( INC.'/fb/facebook.php' );
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
  'appId'  => Fb_Key,
  'secret' => Fb_Secret,
$got = $facebook->api($name);
update_option('fb-fans', $got['likes']);
update_option('fb-fans-checked', time());
return $got['likes'];
} else { return $fans; }
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Quote from: @Mario on
Do you have a facebook app key in config?
The count uses the official fb api, so it needs the keys, I've coded a protection just now.

In lib/functions.php replace the function with this one:

//Fb count
function _fb_count($name){
if(Fb_Key && Fb_Secret) {
$fans = get_option('fb-fans');
$checked = get_option('fb-fans-checked');
if(($checked + 400) < time()) {
require_once( INC.'/fb/facebook.php' );
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
  'appId'  => Fb_Key,
  'secret' => Fb_Secret,
$got = $facebook->api($name);
update_option('fb-fans', $got['likes']);
update_option('fb-fans-checked', time());
return $got['likes'];
} else { return $fans; }

Yes my key is set! When I changed my fanpage name to yours (FashionJunkieRO) from videosqq (everything populated and HTML output completed)  So I removed your fanpage name and added mines back .. reset the 2 fields in options back to BLANK in options (fb-fans, fb-fans-checked) ... added my fanpage and updated ... HTML output stops again ..... I add your fanpage back to configuration and everything populates and HTML output completes ..... so is there something on facebook app end I may need to enable??? do I have enough fans for it to work?? I only have 6??

Marius P.Topic starter

Are you sure you are not using my test keys? Cause they won't work for you :)
Also, is it like /name added ?
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Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


Quote from: @Mario on
Are you sure you are not using my test keys? Cause they won't work for you :)
Also, is it like /name added ?

Yes to both questions .. I just checked!


Quote from: dargpat on
Yes to both questions .. I just checked!

this is strange, let me know your fanpage
website: http://www.movietend.com  Don't PM me regarding news about the script's, I'm not from the stuff i am regular user like anyone else, Regards




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