avatar_Marius P.

[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] PHPVibe 3.3 RC1 Issues/Bugs [Please report here]

Started by Marius P.,

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How do I get this info to display in header (php echo):

VideoThumbURL from database
LocationVideoURL ex: youtube link or locafile info from database


Quote from: dargpat on
How do I get this info to display in header (php echo):

VideoThumbURL from database
LocationVideoURL ex: youtube link or locafile info from database

hi, if you want to get them from video page are like this

$sorces =   $video->source; for source, for thumb $imag =   $video->thumb; you can replace the $sources or imag as you wish
website: http://www.movietend.com  Don't PM me regarding news about the script's, I'm not from the stuff i am regular user like anyone else, Regards

Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: dargpat on
How do I get this info to display in header (php echo):

VideoThumbURL from database
LocationVideoURL ex: youtube link or locafile info from database

For facebook? I will add that by default.
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Marius P.Topic starter


Wrap the if in a foreach like this

$boxes_sql = $db->get_results("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."homepage order by `order` ASC limit 0,1000000");
if($boxes_sql) {
foreach($boxes_sql as $box){

Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


anyone else have issues with the scroll (load next) feature. I am having issues with this.It says "the end" yet there are more videos.This is intermittent .SOmetimes it works and sometimes doesnt. Anyone else se this issue. You can check this issue on my  site http://afrodizia.com


am avut si eu problama de mai sus . Codul nu a functionat. Am umblat putin si a mers asa:
$boxes_sql = $db->get_results("SELECT * FROM ".DB_PREFIX."homepage order by `order` ASC limit 0,1000000");
foreach($boxes_sql as $box){

nu stiu care e diferenta intre cele 2, dar asta functioneaza la mine.
Pe primul l-am copiat asa cum este postat.
Dupa ce am vazut ca nu functioneaza am copiat si adaugat doar aceasta linie


just a clarrification to the scroll issue. It only scrolls to the video limit set for the block then says end yet there are more videos to be shown for that block.any help guys?

Marius P.Topic starter

Hmm, I see the pagination works.


The problem is, there is an error:

XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://www.afrodizia.com/&ajax&p=2. Origin http://afrodizia.com is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.

Try adding this to your .htaccess in root:

<ifModule mod_headers.c>
    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!




Mario PHPVibe 3.3 looks great when will the version 3.3 stable and ready for a live site ?
Clipbucket.info --> phpVibe & ClipBucket Support Community.

Marius P.Topic starter

Soon, been busy with a phpprobid to opencart importer for a client, but I will get back to work asap.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!



I have some issues with the beta version.

1. Pics are not being uploaded.
2. Report Video does not work (Report not sent! Please make sure you complete all fields)
3. Videos are not being added to playlist.

This is my beta site url: http://beta.vid-host.com/

Marius P.Topic starter

Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


How do I make the footer stick to the bottom of the page? Tried editing #footer  in style.css with position: fixed/absolute; left: 0; bottom: 0

Is there a general background: option?(there are lots of background:XXXXX in the css, dont wanna mess anything else, YET ;))

I've got a 24KB error log  :) I'm guessing those PHP Warnings are from changes made by my hosting provider, because I didn't modify anything in the last week except I added a sitemap :

[12-Aug-2013 19:11:33 Europe/Bucharest] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: bio in /home4/xxxxxxx/public_html/callback.php on line 67
[12-Aug-2013 16:49:19 America/Chicago] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home4/xxxxxxx/public_html/index.php on line 148
[16-Aug-2013 09:03:01 America/Chicago] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '}' in /home4/xxxxxxx/public_html/index.php on line 82
[16-Aug-2013 09:03:44 America/Chicago] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_BREAK in /home4/xxxxxxx/public_html/index.php on line 88
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:15 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: magickwand: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:15 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: imagick: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:15 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: PDO: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:15 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: pdo_sqlite: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:15 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/sqlite.so' - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/sqlite.so: undefined symbol: third_arg_force_ref in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:15 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: pdo_mysql: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:15 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: SourceGuardian: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:15 America/Chicago] PHP Deprecated:  Directive 'register_globals' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:16 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: magickwand: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:16 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: imagick: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:16 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: PDO: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:16 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: pdo_sqlite: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:16 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/sqlite.so' - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/sqlite.so: undefined symbol: third_arg_force_ref in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:16 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: pdo_mysql: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:16 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: SourceGuardian: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:16 America/Chicago] PHP Deprecated:  Directive 'register_globals' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:22 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: magickwand: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:22 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: imagick: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:22 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: PDO: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:22 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: pdo_sqlite: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:22 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/sqlite.so' - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/sqlite.so: undefined symbol: third_arg_force_ref in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:22 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: pdo_mysql: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:22 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: SourceGuardian: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:09:22 America/Chicago] PHP Deprecated:  Directive 'register_globals' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:10:15 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: magickwand: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:10:15 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: imagick: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:10:15 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: PDO: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:10:15 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: pdo_sqlite: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:10:15 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/sqlite.so' - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/sqlite.so: undefined symbol: third_arg_force_ref in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:10:15 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: pdo_mysql: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:10:15 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: SourceGuardian: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0

.............................................I deleted similar lines because of the 20k characters limit :).................

[25-Aug-2013 14:13:24 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: PDO: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:13:24 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: pdo_sqlite: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:13:24 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/sqlite.so' - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/sqlite.so: undefined symbol: third_arg_force_ref in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:13:24 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: pdo_mysql: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:13:24 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: SourceGuardian: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:13:24 America/Chicago] PHP Deprecated:  Directive 'register_globals' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:13:25 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: magickwand: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:13:25 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: imagick: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:13:25 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: PDO: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:13:25 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: pdo_sqlite: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:13:25 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/sqlite.so' - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/sqlite.so: undefined symbol: third_arg_force_ref in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:13:25 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: pdo_mysql: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:13:25 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: SourceGuardian: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:13:25 America/Chicago] PHP Deprecated:  Directive 'register_globals' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:03 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: magickwand: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:03 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: imagick: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:03 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: PDO: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:03 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: pdo_sqlite: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:03 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/sqlite.so' - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/sqlite.so: undefined symbol: third_arg_force_ref in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:03 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: pdo_mysql: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:03 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: SourceGuardian: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:03 America/Chicago] PHP Deprecated:  Directive 'register_globals' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:04 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: magickwand: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:04 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: imagick: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:04 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: PDO: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:04 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: pdo_sqlite: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:04 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/sqlite.so' - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/sqlite.so: undefined symbol: third_arg_force_ref in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:04 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: pdo_mysql: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:04 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: SourceGuardian: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:04 America/Chicago] PHP Deprecated:  Directive 'register_globals' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:37 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: magickwand: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:37 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: imagick: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:37 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: PDO: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:37 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: pdo_sqlite: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:37 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/sqlite.so' - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/sqlite.so: undefined symbol: third_arg_force_ref in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:37 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: pdo_mysql: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:37 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: SourceGuardian: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:14:37 America/Chicago] PHP Deprecated:  Directive 'register_globals' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:15:07 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: magickwand: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:15:07 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: imagick: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:15:07 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: PDO: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:15:07 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: pdo_sqlite: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:15:07 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/sqlite.so' - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20060613/sqlite.so: undefined symbol: third_arg_force_ref in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:15:07 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: pdo_mysql: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:15:07 America/Chicago] PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: SourceGuardian: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP    compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
 in Unknown on line 0
[25-Aug-2013 14:15:07 America/Chicago] PHP Deprecated:  Directive 'register_globals' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in Unknown on line 0

Im sorry if it's ok with the latest release though...

Marius P.Topic starter

[12-Aug-2013 19:11:33 Europe/Bucharest] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: bio in /home4/xxxxxxx/public_html/callback.php on line 67

This is helpful, thanks! Rest are modifications & server changes.

General background? As in html or body background? Not image based, but a hex white, and this question is also the answer of what to look for.


body {
margin: 0;
font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 13px;
line-height: 23px;
color: #7d7d7d;
background-color: #ffffff;
height: 100%;


body {
background-color: #ffffff;
position: relative;
padding: 0;
height: 100%;

If you modify the style, use !important mark
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


Quote from: @Mario on
First of all, you have an error with fb, and no jquery is loaded.
Check this answer up http://www.phprevolution.com/forum/troubleshooting-issues/phpvibe-3-3-rc1-issuesbugs-(please-report-here)/msg11358/#msg11358


I have set my FB App Key and App Secret in vibe_config.php and it didn't do the trick, I have also deleted FB page from moderator/configuration panel and it didn't do the trick either.

Pics are still not being uploaded, "report video" still doesn't work and I'm still unable to add videos to playlist.

Any idea what could be wrong?


my question is with the homepage builder. I only have one block in my page and i want to show all the videos on the homepage apart from one or two catagories  which can only be viewed by clicking on a channel link.

Is there a way we can add more than one catagory in the query so that it only shows videos from the catogories you have listed.Can this be done manualy by the admin by editing a file?


I got this error!!

When I subscribe to all new user got this error in my admin panel

Warning: Error establishing mySQL database connection. Correct user/password? Correct hostname? Database server running? in /home/*******/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 89

Warning: mySQL database connection is not active in /home/*******/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 121

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/*******/public_html/lib/functions.php on line 531

Warning: Error establishing mySQL database connection. Correct user/password? Correct hostname? Database server running? in /home/*******/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 89

Warning: mySQL database connection is not active in /home/*******/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 121

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/*******/public_html/lib/functions.php on line 531

Warning: Error establishing mySQL database connection. Correct user/password? Correct hostname? Database server running? in /home/*******/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 89

Warning: mySQL database connection is not active in /home/*******/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 121

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/*******/public_html/lib/functions.php on line 531

Warning: Error establishing mySQL database connection. Correct user/password? Correct hostname? Database server running? in /home/*******/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 89

Warning: mySQL database connection is not active in /home/*******/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 121

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/*******/public_html/lib/functions.php on line 531

Warning: Error establishing mySQL database connection. Correct user/password? Correct hostname? Database server running? in /home/*******/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 89

Warning: mySQL database connection is not active in /home/*******/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 121

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/*******/public_html/lib/functions.php on line 531

Warning: Error establishing mySQL database connection. Correct user/password? Correct hostname? Database server running? in /home/*******/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 89

Warning: mySQL database connection is not active in /home/*******/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 121

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/*******/public_html/lib/functions.php on line 531

Warning: Error establishing mySQL database connection. Correct user/password? Correct hostname? Database server running? in /home/*******/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 89

Warning: mySQL database connection is not active in /home/*******/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 121

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/*******/public_html/lib/functions.php on line 531
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Warning: Error establishing mySQL database connection. Correct user/password? Correct hostname? Database server running? in /home/*******/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 89

Warning: mySQL database connection is not active in /home/*******/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 121
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Warning: Error establishing mySQL database connection. Correct user/password? Correct hostname? Database server running? in /home/*******/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 89

Warning: mySQL database connection is not active in /home/*******/public_html/lib/class.ezsql.php on line 121

Marius P.Topic starter

That happens only when you subscribe? It's pretty weird to not have that all the time, as it sais the data for the database is wrong.
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Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: tkirui on
my question is with the homepage builder. I only have one block in my page and i want to show all the videos on the homepage apart from one or two catagories  which can only be viewed by clicking on a channel link.

Is there a way we can add more than one catagory in the query so that it only shows videos from the catogories you have listed.Can this be done manualy by the admin by editing a file?

Open a tutorial request on separate thread and I will get to it.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


Quote from: @Mario on
That happens only when you subscribe? It's pretty weird to not have that all the time, as it sais the data for the database is wrong.

now is ok!!

I Check in my phpadmin it was server down...

thanks for fast response...


Marius P.Topic starter

Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


Quote from: pk71 on

I have set my FB App Key and App Secret in vibe_config.php and it didn't do the trick, I have also deleted FB page from moderator/configuration panel and it didn't do the trick either.

Pics are still not being uploaded, "report video" still doesn't work and I'm still unable to add videos to playlist.

Any idea what could be wrong?

Any chance for an update on this one, please?

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