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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] PHPVibe 3.3 RC1 Issues/Bugs [Please report here]

Started by Marius P.,

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Marius P.Topic starter

For a simple way, do this, replace the function _fb_count with

function _fb_count($x) {
return '';

This will disable the function, and the error.
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Hi Mario...

I think the mobile version of the website suppose to be linked to MY website.. I don't want youtube feeds.. I don't think that it would be very hard to extract information from the database.. of course the Youtube API search would be appreciated... right under the search of my website but I think the main content on the Mobile version should be from my database..


Things I think it should be fixed:

1. When u PRESS ON VIDEO - the AUTOPLAY doesn't work...

2. Jw player 5 with the Chrome (white skin) needs to be added just like an option.. I personally prefer it instead of 6 with the huge Logo of JW PLAYER bothering my eyes..

3. Video Manager in Admin CP suppose to have SEARCH

4. Unpublished videos suppose to have option to delete all of them at ONCE.

5. Footer (but I see that a lot of people already reported it)

6. The background of the search (White)

7. Search to Include first search from Database and 2nd from Youtube.. just like the old script

8. When using the option AUTO IMPORT from Youtube it has some bugs because if in the Title of the Video from Youtube there are some special caracters it shows as ;fgdfg& like something like that in the extracted title in my site..

9. Cyrillic support isn't very good... it needs a little touch up.

10. Like I said mobile website should be linked in with our database...

11. I would enable both Comment options Website comments and Facebook.. one on top of each other.. or let's have it as an Option (BOTH) for example:

op.1 Facebook / op.2 SITE / op.3 BOTH

12. AD Places directly to be able to insert code in the DATABASE from the Cpanel

13. Stop the UPLOAD FILE option from the Admin Panel... for example I don't want my users to upload any video files to my server.

14. There was a script called VidPlanet that supported Uploading of Videos thru MY WEBSITE directly to Youtube just like Youtube...

15. Private Messages system would be nice

16. When I click on Mother folder for example I have:


and so on.. but I cannot click on Music, I wanna be able to click on Music and when I do that I wanna be able to see all of the Videos from House and Rap combined into Music...

16. There are some bugs... that need to be taken care of.


Quote from: Martin on
Hi Mario...

I think the mobile version of the website suppose to be linked to MY website.. I don't want youtube feeds.. I don't think that it would be very hard to extract information from the database.. of course the Youtube API search would be appreciated... right under the search of my website but I think the main content on the Mobile version should be from my database..

it's not so hard to make it, i made it take a look

website: http://www.movietend.com  Don't PM me regarding news about the script's, I'm not from the stuff i am regular user like anyone else, Regards


Quote from: Martin on
Can you share it with us?

Well it tok me like 1/2 days so no, I guess Mario will make available in marketplace as soon as he finish the stable version off 3.3
website: http://www.movietend.com  Don't PM me regarding news about the script's, I'm not from the stuff i am regular user like anyone else, Regards

Madalin Adrian

QuoteNotice: Undefined variable: profile in /home/vqq/public_html/com/com_profile.php on line 4


Notice the lack of the id after "username". I understand that the urls reported by me should not be actually accesed but... that's it...

Also, there's no canonical url in this error case.

PS: @Mario you did a wicked thing with the new phpvibe!!!
PHPVibe Rocks!


Quote from: Madalin Adrian on
PS: @Mario you did a wicked thing with the new phpvibe!!!

I don't wanna be rude but if you can't see the evolution on the phpvibe 3.3 then my friend you're blind or you are not familiar with php/mysql at all

Quote from: Madalin Adrian on

Notice the lack of the id after "username". I understand that the urls reported by me should not be actually accesed but... that's it...

Also, there's no canonical url in this error case.

I don't get that error there is a code that prevents this happening
if ($profile) {
here the profile code
} else {
//Oups, not found

is in the com_profile so i think that you messed around the code
website: http://www.movietend.com  Don't PM me regarding news about the script's, I'm not from the stuff i am regular user like anyone else, Regards

Marius P.Topic starter

Notices don't show on production, here it's just because it's set to report all.
You can do a
isset($profile) && $profile
if you worry about that.
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Madalin Adrian

Quote from: ilie88 on
I don't wanna be rude but if you can't see the evolution on the phpvibe 3.3 then my friend you're blind or you are not familiar with php/mysql at all

You didn't understand me, i was just trying to say how great is the new script. I did noticed the evolution since Script Video, Zubee and so on...

@Mario: good luck with your sales!
PHPVibe Rocks!


Quote from: Madalin Adrian on
You didn't understand me, i was just trying to say how great is the new script. I did noticed the evolution since Script Video, Zubee and so on...

@Mario: good luck with your sales!

ohh, sorry for misunderstanding
website: http://www.movietend.com  Don't PM me regarding news about the script's, I'm not from the stuff i am regular user like anyone else, Regards

Marius P.Topic starter

Ilie, a drq engleza) Madalin lauda evolutia frate, nush ce ai inteles tu)

Merci Madalin!
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Quote from: @Mario on
Ilie, a drq engleza) Madalin lauda evolutia frate, nush ce ai inteles tu)

Merci Madalin!

haha, "you did a wicked thing with the new phpvibe!!!" tradus ar veni asa "ai facut o treaba urata/naspa/slaba cu nou phpvibe" sa exprimat rau cred, ca a spus ca lauda scriptul :D
website: http://www.movietend.com  Don't PM me regarding news about the script's, I'm not from the stuff i am regular user like anyone else, Regards

Marius P.Topic starter

Google translate nu traduce jargo-uri :))) Nu, s-a exprimat bine ;)
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Quote from: @Mario on
Google translate nu traduce jargo-uri :))) Nu, s-a exprimat bine ;)

da mi-am dat seama dupa ce a postat a 2'a oara :D :)))
website: http://www.movietend.com  Don't PM me regarding news about the script's, I'm not from the stuff i am regular user like anyone else, Regards


Not sure if this was mentioned but when someone "dislikes" a video, somehow that same video is shown on user's profile "likes" Tab. Even though he "disliked" the video.

Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: zordong on
Not sure if this was mentioned but when someone "dislikes" a video, somehow that same video is shown on user's profile "likes" Tab. Even though he "disliked" the video.

Hmm..thanks for this.
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Cu surprindere observ niste erori desi nu am modificat nimic recent.
Cand incerc sa adaug video cu link apar erorile din atasament.

Marius P.Topic starter

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Dap. Copy - paste la link in add video. A mers pana acum 3,4 zile cu siguranta, pentru ca am uploadat recent.

Marius P.Topic starter

Pai practic iti spune ca nu are titlu, descriere si durata.
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am uitat sa scriu in engleza. poate mai sunt cu problema asta.

I've tried to add more than 5,6 videos...same error for all.

Marius P.Topic starter

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momentan sunt la munca si pe calculatorul asta nu am parolele ::)
revin dupa 17.00 :( sorry

Marius P.Topic starter

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