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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] PHPVibe 3.6 Edition II is now ready for beta testing

Started by Marius P.,

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Marius P.Topic starter

Second edition of PHPVibe 3.6 fixes alot and adds some useful things.
Update 5/09:

Patched moderator/dashboard.php (changed store.phprevolution.com with the new get.phpvibe.com) since updates where trowing error.
Modify message

Update 29/08:
Google/Js ads support added.
Quotelib/players/ads.jplayer.css (last line added)lib/class.providers.php (changed the _jads function use)lib/functions.php (rewriten _jads() function)
/moderator/crate-videoad.php (removed the replacement of " with ' )

Here is a small overview:

- New titles editor (SEO : pre-post easy changers)
- jPlayer & jPlayer ads

- Channels (Categories) list (page)
- New editor for articles and pages
- Moved Google OpenId login to Google Plus login (reason:deprecation)
- Moved site to full width
- Redesigned partially the admin
- Global activity in admin
- Fixed channel's menu css positining
- Improved setup information
- New admin hooks system (no more code editing in hooks.php)
- New simple groups manager
- Fixed various reported bugs
- Removed cron's shell_exec for causing trouble on some setups (you'll have to trigger it from server's panel)
- Fixed problems with player's js not being loaded

I'm sure this should be an huge list, but since two of my coders have quit and I don't have yet a full list, just the things I've did.


This was not tested with Brasil or xClub.
The other plugins have been fast updated and work.
We'll get soon to Brasil & xClub and make them work together.

Database is only touched to create the vibe_jads table, you can do this by uploading the file /Old database upgraders/up36tov2.php from the PHPVibe pack to your root and opening it in browser as www.site.com/up36tov2.php one time.

Note: This version has
several file changes, which we will document soon and provide an list of touched files since the initial version 3.6

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Marius P.Topic starter

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Marius P.Topic starter

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Marius P.Topic starter

Oh, select mediaelement as player it will enable jplayer.
My bad, missed to edit that. I've patched player's config now.

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1. Google Adsense Code not working on Jplayer ( see screen shoot)

2. Cant Delete Advert, after deleting ads still return


Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: identicalmedia on
1. Google Adsense Code not working on Jplayer ( see screen shoot)

2. Cant Delete Advert, after deleting ads still return

I don't think you can embed an js there, since the code itself is js 100%, you can do it with an iframe.
I'll look into the delete.
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Mario I have Brasil theme installed on both my websites so you suggest i should wait
I am fan of PHP Vibe


Quote from: @Mario on
Oh, select mediaelement as player it will enable jplayer.
My bad, missed to edit that. I've patched player's config now.


i have beed upgraded how to apply this patch ?

and can i make jplayer as default youtube videos



Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: mzikagate on
i have beed upgraded how to apply this patch ?

and can i make jplayer as default youtube videos

Simply re-download and replace moderator/players.php

jplayer doesn't support youtube videos or any other type of web videos, just stored videos which are html5 playable and mp3 files.
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Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: identicalmedia on
cant delete ads created in jplayer Ad

Download and replace moderator/videoads.php

or open the file and find

<?php echo $ad->ad_id;?>

replace it with

<?php echo $ad->jad_id;?>
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Marius P.Topic starter

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Marius P.Topic starter

Anybody wants to be nice and put an adsense code for demo.phpvibe.com for me to test out if I can integrate it in jPlayer? Seems we have no account. I have an idea, but have to test it and Google has no sample publisher  :( .
Mail me at marius@mediavibe.ro
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Hey Mario...is 3.6 ll edition fully tested and safe to upgrade???




hey mario i would be happy to help you with any thing you need contact with me yehudabitton1212@gmail.com
and how to upgrade which files to edit?
because all my website is RTL and not LTR and i edit alot of file so pls if you can be specific with which file to replace i would be happy :)


mp3 music photo when play a song doesnt appear (jplayer)
hot to make photo appear whrn play music by jplayer

Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: ASDF on
Hey Mario...is 3.6 ll edition fully tested and safe to upgrade???

It's beta, so for testing only. Even if I'm sure everybody will upgrade -.-
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Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: mzikagate on
mp3 music photo when play a song doesnt appear (jplayer)
hot to make photo appear whrn play music by jplayer

jPlayer doesn't have this option. it must hide the screen in full, but it looks bad. Look down at "audio" http://prahec.com/project/ytube-jplayer-skin/
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Quote from: @Mario on
It's beta, so for testing only. Even if I'm sure everybody will upgrade -.-
hey mario i would be happy to help you with any thing you need contact with me yehudabitton1212@gmail.com
and how to upgrade which files to edit?
because all my website is RTL and not LTR and i edit alot of file so pls if you can be specific with which file to replace i would be happy :)

Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: ASDF on
Hey Mario,
http://store.phprevolution.com/ is down, do something please.

I think the server got overload over some of my tests, should be fine now.
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