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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] PHPVibe 3.6 Edition II is now ready for beta testing

Started by Marius P.,

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Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: YehudaBitton on
hey mario i would be happy to help you with any thing you need contact with me yehudabitton1212@gmail.com
and how to upgrade which files to edit?
because all my website is RTL and not LTR and i edit alot of file so pls if you can be specific with which file to replace i would be happy :)

Did you comment your changes? It has some edits to vibe.style.css also.
I don't have yet a full list of changes, will make it before announcing it in a newsletter, first I'm waiting for initial feedback, as you can see upper there are small issues which I am resolving in real time.
I just need 1-2 ad units that can run on demo.phpvibe.com, that's all, no matter the size, just 2 adsense codes so I can try them, as I see things have changed at adsense since I was using them.
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Marius P.Topic starter

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Marius P.Topic starter

Ok, so i'm gonna try something really silly simple but which may work...at least for most.

Here is my idea, place an php file called adframe.php and pass an base64 encoded content of the google ad.
Make a ticker like "This ad contains javascript" under the ad creation.

Theory sounds simple, let's see if it works in practice.
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Anytime mate.. :D :D :D.
And please do something about the cdn ASAP :P :-[.

Marius P.Topic starter

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Marius P.Topic starter

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Marius P.Topic starter

Vine & Vimeo are safe to install now also, they have been moved to the new admin hooks system. (re-download them)
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Marius P.Topic starter

patched lib/functions.php and lib/players/ads.jplayer.css cleaned ad content (jquery breaks with some iframes) and added an 728px min iframe size for overlays.

Test: http://www.misterdevil.com/video/191919/asshole-gaping-wide-for-that-hard-cock/ ( adult content!!!)
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Mario i moved to offline mode and now i'm i cant get access to cancel it :( what to do?

Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: YehudaBitton on
Mario i moved to offline mode and now i'm i cant get access to cancel it :( what to do?

Did you logoff or something?
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Marius P.Topic starter

Make a php file of your choice, for example on.php with this content

<?php  require_once("load.php");
update_option('site-offline', '0');

drop it in your root and execute it in browser (open www.yoursite.com/on.php)

Should switch it to on  ;D
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Quote from: @Mario on
Did you logoff or something?
yes i logoff  :-\ i success to fix it in the database i change to 0.

Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: YehudaBitton on
yes i logoff  :-\ i success to fix it in the database i change to 0.

Indeed only admins can see it when is off. Will think of an alternative.
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Marius P.Topic starter

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Marius P.Topic starter

Brasil updated to v1.1 compatible with 3.6 b

Basically added player.ads.css to list of css files in tpl.globals.php, a small list of extra css queries to css/vibe.style.css (commented) and a new file called channels.php
Channels link in sidebar.php now sends to /channels
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Marius P.Topic starter

NOTE: Remove the robots.txt file that came with this release from your server (will block search engine's bot)
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Brasil updated to v1.1 ??? Where i can find this version??
and sir i have Brasil theme , should i upgrade ? or wait for you ???
and my developer made alot of changes in My Brasil theme , what u suggest me ?? My site is ivod.co





Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: alimehdipak on
Brasil updated to v1.1 ??? Where i can find this version??
and sir i have Brasil theme , should i upgrade ? or wait for you ???
and my developer made alot of changes in My Brasil theme , what u suggest me ?? My site is ivod.co


If you re-download the Brasil pack it's there.
I've posted what was changed, to vibe.style.css you just have to add the css rules from under
/* 3.6b updates */

Also,in tpl.globals.php under:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.tpl().'css/lightbox.css"/>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.site_url().'lib/players/ads.jplayer.css"/>

and copy channels.php
You should not loose any changes (unless you overwrite files)
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Hii @Mario, I just dowload 3.6II and replace players.php, but my video is still jwplayer 6 Not like demo! and ads not appear on,,...!
My setting player photo's attach down!



Why the website seem to have issue with design or css? My sidebar went to bottom of the page while my video player seem to be a bit weird.


Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: lwc5757 on
Why the website seem to have issue with design or css? My sidebar went to bottom of the page while my video player seem to be a bit weird.

Check this http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/how-to/3-6-upgrade-problem/
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Hi lwc5757....
I had the same problem....just press ctrl+f5 both at the admin area and same as with your site...

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