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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] PHPVibe 4.0 Beta

Started by PHPVibe A.,

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Quote from: wolftbpg on
you must delete the file hold via FTP  and delete the setup folder


Home e playlist problema.como concerto?


Quote from: wolftbpg on
Home e playlist problema.como concerto?
Now you must configure the homepage in the admin panel


in section Homepage builder and you must upload your first videos or music ^-^


Não aparece só da erro.só aparece se eu fizer login.




Quote from: wolftbpg on
Não aparece só da erro.só aparece se eu fizer login.
you need to check that the data are the same administrator account you entered in setup


Não não .eu consigo entra no painel e crio os carrosséis.o problema é que não aparece na home .
Se eu fizer logof some.Da erro.


Quote from: wolftbpg on
Não não .eu consigo entra no painel e crio os carrosséis.o problema é que não aparece na home .
Se eu fizer logof some.Da erro.
would you please attach screenshots

not quite understand Portuguese :)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
That's great. No problem. Just wanted to make sure I let you know in case it was missed.

Were you able to test the broken append for the video player with ads disabled? You're right there is probably a bad if statement somewhere.

Hi, no not yet, had to resign from my old work to come work here, turned out to be more difficult than expected, but it's done.
Sorry I've missed this last 36 hours, but I will get to work early tomorrow and fix everything reported, also get the new upgrades from my colleagues.
I hope to be done with all by the end of the week.


By the way, there is a bug where all playlists for everyone are public (i.e Watch Later playlist, History Playlist, and regular playlist)




Replace 14 with any number to find different playlists.


Quote from: Geonode on
Fix for "Hide Video Path with PHP"

in stream.php
right above:
$token = htmlspecialchars(base64_decode(base64_decode($_GET["file"])));

@ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off');

Or if you feel like it you may also do this i nthe actual php.ini file, but i'm just saying this is easier.
I'm using Nginx

Awesome. Thanks!


I will also be working on Ads Integration in phpvibe for Videojs after it's new version release (Whenever that is):
Right now the ad's integration is broken and basically the code is everywhere with that >_> - I also dont like how the player has a bunch of crap on it regarding phpvibe like the share button.

some screenies:

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
By the way, there is a bug where all playlists for everyone are public (i.e Watch Later playlist, History Playlist, and regular playlist)




Replace 14 with any number to find different playlists.

And this is a bug how? Never considered closing that, didn't see the point.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Geonode on
I will also be working on Ads Integration in phpvibe for Videojs after it's new version release (Whenever that is):
Right now the ad's integration is broken and basically the code is everywhere with that >_> - I also dont like how the player has a bunch of crap on it regarding phpvibe like the share button.

some screenies:

What are you trying to say? I've fixed functions.php , it was just a matter of the pre-rol being built before the if($ads) had to move it a few lines up in every function, it will commited soon. This is still beta, so issues may come up.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wolftbpg on


Let's make a guess and tell what page is that with the 404 (or suppose to be) and if you have homeblocks on not so far...
Please if you need support, make sure you ask for it, not just post two pictures from which nobody can dream/guess what's wrong!

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

New /lib/functions.php (till I finish this patch), it patches the ads for jwplayer, flowplayer and videojs.


PHPVibe A.Topic starter

We've simplified the ads creation in admin.


Alexander, cleaning cache/full directory doesnt work from admin only from cpanel or ftp. Can you take a look into that also?


Quote from: Alexander on
And this is a bug how? Never considered closing that, didn't see the point.

It's a matter of user privacy. If a user does not want his/her playlist or viewing history disclosed to the public, they shouldn't have to. This is standard practice by all major sites which provide similar services (e.g YouTube). I understand this may seem trivial to you; hell, I don't personally care myself if people can see my playlist, but it's always better to err on the side of giving people Options rather than dictating it for them. Hope you understand. :)

Btw, let me know if you have any idea about the bugfix timeline for the other stuff I reported above.


p.s. the new cp (and ads management, especially) is looking pretty awesome!


Quote from: wetvibes on
Alexander, cleaning cache/full directory doesnt work from admin only from cpanel or ftp. Can you take a look into that also?

This is true. The files in the /cache folder is not really cleared when you click the clear button in the cp.


For the /cache folder gets cleaned from admin. the only issue is the /cache/full (fullcache directory) doesnt gets cleaned.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
Alexander, cleaning cache/full directory doesnt work from admin only from cpanel or ftp. Can you take a look into that also?

Checked, works fine. Check your server permissions, see if php is allowed to delete those files.


is there any specific file wich we have to check for permission to delete?


meu problema esta no arquivo load.php do 4.0  o que faço.
Se a home da certo a página de playlist da erro.

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