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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] PHPVibe 4.0 Beta

Started by PHPVibe A.,

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PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
also on upload page the fields are messed up. See the Tags field

Make a printscreen pls :)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
Btw, Alexander,

There is a bug in /moderator/players.php

<div class="control-group">
	<label class="control-label"><i class="icon-facetime-video"></i>Remote Player <br /> <i>(Linked Videos)</i> </label>
	<div class="controls">
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="choosen-player" class="styled" value="6" <?php if(get_option('choosen-player') == 6 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>VideoJS</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="5" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 5 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Easy Video Player</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="4" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 4 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Chameleon</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="1" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 1 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>JwPlayer</i></label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="2" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 2 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>FlowPlayer HTML5</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="3" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 3 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>jPlayer</label>
	<span class="help-block" id="limit-text">Which player should be loaded for mobile supported files (.mp4, .mp3, etc)? JwPlayer is loaded for the rest.</span>
	<div class="control-group">
	<label class="control-label"><i class="icon-youtube"></i>Youtube videos</label>
	<div class="controls">
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="youtube-player" class="styled" value="6" <?php if(get_option('choosen-player') == 6 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>VideoJS</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="youtube-player" class="styled" value="2" <?php if(get_option('youtube-player') == 2 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Use JwPlayer</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="youtube-player" class="styled" value="0" <?php if(get_option('youtube-player') == 0 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Youtube's Player</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="youtube-player" class="styled" value="3" <?php if(get_option('youtube-player') == 3 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Easy Video Player</label>

The (get_option('choosen-player') calls for VideoJS should be replaced with 'remote-player' and 'youtube-player', respectively. The radio button name="choosen-player" should also be changed to name="remote-player".

Another problem is, even after making these changes, if you select VideoJS as the default player for YouTube videos, it does not work. And if you select it for local videos deploys jPlayer instead of VideoJS.

You are right! It should be removed from Youtube, since the plugin Video.JS Youtube no longer works.
Will patch it shortly. Mario will have a second look at all the players, would be important to at least manage to make Youtube redirect to next video in playlist since many use Youtube videos.


For local videos, are you sure? Video.Js in our build uses the same skin as jplayer (difference is font-icons used).




I want to suggest a new function

customizable menu editor to add external links

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
Tag field messed up

What browser  :eek: it looks fine for me on all browsers...so need exact browser and version please.




   #Fixing Report:

1) Home Page loads so slow. It's like it builds itself. It builds itself in 6 seconds. First adds the footer on 4th second, and adds homepage blocks on 6th second. So far it gets on my nerves.

2) Carousel blocks arrows are not even visible. I can't even notice that this is a carousel block.

3) When the content width is less than 1331 pixels there are big spaces that is not cool. Screenshot:


4) And also there are big spaces under the player in my screen's default width. And my screen's default width is 1264px. Screenshoot:


5) In mobile devices (and also with devices with touch sensor) if you open the sidebar and scroll around the sidebar disappears and it leaves the space behind it:


6) In profile editing page the forms are messed up. Screenshot:


That's all for now!




I forgot one. Overlay ads appear twice a video. So if you close the first you have to close the second one to get rid of the ads. The first ad covers the second ad and the other ad is 2 or 3 pixels on the left from the first one. Hope i explained it well. Screenshot:



in version 4.0 not added the plugins and the multiupload for videos?




Quote from: YehudaBitton on

Add this to your css file.

@media only screen and (min-width: 550px) {
 .body-video #wrapper.haside {
  padding-left: 220px !important;
  margin-left: 0;
  margin-right: 1%;
@media only screen and (max-width: 550px) {
 .body-video #wrapper.haside {
  padding-left: 0px !important;


Alex welcome back home :)

When you browse Channels then Music Channels, subcategories only one is visible even if you have 10 or 1 just one shows up. Could you please check that.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: x5000x on
Alex welcome back home :)

When you browse Channels then Music Channels, subcategories only one is visible even if you have 10 or 1 just one shows up. Could you please check that.

Thanks! Sure, will check and fix!

You won't see me much, I'm coming back as coder, just now until we find freelance help for support.



PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wetvibes on
chrome and FF both latest versions

I really can't reproduce this...make sure is not an cache issue.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: tommy101 on
New install can't create homepage block.

Try running this in sql

ALTER TABLE  `vibe_homepage` ADD  `car` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT  '0'

will update the sql file shortly.


In categories page if the category has subcategories it displays a carousel. And Only one subcategory is displaying in the carousel. Screenshot:



Hello Guys... ;) ;) ;)

I installed in a clean subdomain without problems, at the moment found an erro of design in users profile - website interface.

I attached the image of error design for appreciation.

Thanks... :) :) :)
Samuel Souza




Alex, Also when you search there is empty box on right side not sure what was purpose of that. See attached picture.

Also when you want to filter search results, when you click on text got no effect but when click on arrow than it works.


Hello guys ! I attach some screenshoots about the design ! Please give a look !


I attach some more screenshoots about the design ! Please give a look !


Is there an option in the admin dashboard to bulk upload images? its very tedious to upload and name images one by one. A bulk upload will help us to quickly add and edit images. Also can the related images be random? so that our viewers get a different listing of images each time they click on an image.



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