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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] PHPVibe 4.0 Beta

Started by PHPVibe A.,

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Also the weird black square box still shows up when you go to MEDIA MANAGER > SUBMIT EMBED CODE. (I'm not yelling btw...)


also the CSS issues still there on the new patch
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (fluidbox.css.map, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (fluidbox.css.map, line 0)

i think there should be an option to keep the sidebar "on" on a full resolution screens


Quote from: awsjulio on
MEDIA MANAGER > VIDEO MANAGER : click "Edit" on a single video and it takes you to the Edit page which contains a 404 iframe. Also could we add a Delete button on there?

Try changing the embed rewrite rule to this:

RewriteRule ^embed/([^/]*)/$ embed.php?id=$1 [L]

in your .htaccess file.
PHPVibe v. 3.6
Ulitmatube Theme

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: awsjulio on
Also the weird black square box still shows up when you go to MEDIA MANAGER > SUBMIT EMBED CODE. (I'm not yelling btw...)

I haven't got to the admin yet. Soon!

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: marketania on
also the CSS issues still there on the new patch
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (fluidbox.css.map, line 0)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (fluidbox.css.map, line 0)

i think there should be an option to keep the sidebar "on" on a full resolution screens

This are cdn hosted. I will try finding a new lightbox.



PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: peach on
How to change language

Do you follow up and update the script on all the patches? Because it was added a few days ago.


Quote from: wolftbpg on
Gostaria de colocar anúncio de video em meus player antes do video original,é possivel?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: wolftbpg on

I'll move that completely to the dashboard and design it properly.


 :) :) :)....i believe we will get the final patch today.....or not?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ASDF on
:) :) :)....i believe we will get the final patch today.....or not?

By Sunday. Right now re-thinking the admin and setup.
Wish Mario was better, he's built the push to next for videojs in 5 minutes, I failed in 3 hours, I hate jquery! Still have to do it at least for the youtube iframe, but if I use the official api the video is no longer responsive, the EVP needs some changes also if I recall correctly, playlists page, users page, add to playlist change, add to watch later, there's still a lot of stuff to do around.
Soundcloud is almost ready on music side.




another things would be useful to check what users are uploading is filter videos by user uploads or imports from other website in admin panel so you can easily remove porn and other bad files you dont want that have not been checked and not reported
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Hello, it is possible to meter in translation: hours ago, days ago, weeks ago, please? thank you for your work

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Soundcloud to your Music section (coming tomorrow in full version).


Quote from: Alexander on
Soundcloud to your Music section (coming tomorrow in full version).

This is useful to me!
Good job guys!

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

boxboy, that would be a no for now, I have no jquery coder in here at the moment.


Quote from: boxboy on
Please do the system ajax based + mini players for video and audio the idea is (when you are browsing to not stop the music or the video)

Ajax based play list with (bottom playlist footer , music , video etc)
Nice messages system.
This will great fetures for the v4 version

#2 I had something similar did for me for about 4k usd. It ain't as easy as it looks.


Friend I work that from 3 years do not have to teach me whether it is easy or not  O0


Quote from: boxboy on
Friend I work that from 3 years do not have to teach me whether it is easy or not  O0

Then be nice, build it yourself and share or sale it for all ;)


Quote from: MikeOsman on
Then be nice, build it yourself and share or sale it for all ;)

Let the team of phpvibe to complete the plugin system and in general to be realesed stable v4 version  :confused:
And i will do it for PHPvibe  ;)


Quote from: boxboy on
Let the team of phpvibe to complete the plugin system and in general to be realesed stable v4 version  :confused:
And i will do it for PHPvibe  ;)

Looking forward to your mod!


Quote from: boxboy on
Let the team of phpvibe to complete the plugin system and in general to be realesed stable v4 version  :confused:
And i will do it for PHPvibe  ;)
that would be amazing am also waiting for your Mod... :cool:


Alexander are there any changes done in the vibe_videos table ?
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