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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] PHPVibe 4.0 Beta

Started by PHPVibe A.,

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I manage to upload short videos, but 200MB video example it does not work, can you help me please? I can put on the site-under PHPVibe's Chameleon reader how to do ?? Thank you for your work


Quote from: TigerClaw on
Got this error when trying to update my test installation using the last revision of the 3.x branch:

Homepage table updated...
Users table updated...Search indexes updated...
Performance indexes updated...
ezSQL (v2.17) Debug..

Last Error -- [BLOB/TEXT column 'date' used in key specification without a key length]

Query [21] -- [alter  table vibe_likes add unique uid_uni (uid, vid)]

Query Result..

No Results

Anything to be worried about? Thank you

Alexander could you please tell me if this error is important or not? Next step will be to upgrade the production site. Thank you


Quote from: ravi7 on
I manage to upload short videos, but 200MB video example it does not work, can you help me please? I can put on the site-under PHPVibe's Chameleon reader how to do ?? Thank you for your work

If you are using cloudfare basic...means for free....it won't allow you to upload videos larger then 100 MB in size.


Quote from: ASDF on
If you are using cloudfare basic...means for free....it won't allow you to upload videos larger then 100 MB in size.
for cloudfare I should pay how much? to add a site-under the player's PHPVibe's Chameleon Is That Possible?
thank you


Quote from: Alexander on
Can you provide a full debug? This doesn't happen on any of our servers...so we can;t know where the problem is until you give us all the details.
investigate the log and was a third parties attack my website mysql injection :-\


Alexander, i wana ask u somethink personal can u pm me if is possible?. tnx


Quote from: ravi7 on
for cloudfare I should pay how much? to add a site-under the player's PHPVibe's Chameleon Is That Possible?
thank you

If you get a lot of viewers on your website, go for a paid plan.....https://www.cloudflare.com/plans
or else don't even think about it....and by viewers i meant....50000-100000 views a day or more then that.



I keep seeing this error in the developer tools console:
error parsererror
incoming Text

referencing the phpvibe_app.js file in this location:
}).error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
        console.log("error " + textStatus);
        console.log("incoming Text " + jqXHR.responseText);

I figure this is for the little pop p notifications...

Also, there are a number of issues with the playlist. For one thing, video playback does not automatically progress to the next video for my installation.

Auto progression works for VideoInedit, as you can see in the link below. But it progresses to a random video, not the next item in the playlist.


PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
I keep seeing this error in the developer tools console:
error parsererror
incoming Text

referencing the phpvibe_app.js file in this location:
}).error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
        console.log("error " + textStatus);
        console.log("incoming Text " + jqXHR.responseText);

I figure this is for the little pop p notifications...

Also, there are a number of issues with the playlist. For one thing, video playback does not automatically progress to the next video for my installation.

Auto progression works for VideoInedit, as you can see in the link below. But it progresses to a random video, not the next item in the playlist.

You seem to have an parse error, can you check it on the api link directly?
Also, make sure debugging is not on (else it will break json format).
The playlist, I'll have it checked asap.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Guys, this is a 4.0 bugs and reporting (TESTING) thread, all the other posts are offtopic, and I will remove or ignore them.
If you want help please use specific forums, not this thread!

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: mariovip on
Alexander, i wana ask u somethink personal can u pm me if is possible?. tnx

I can't, if your account isn't verified.
You can ask sales if you are not a client http://www.phpvibe.com/contact-us/ or open a topic with your question.
Sorry, I don't make the rules.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
Also, there are a number of issues with the playlist. For one thing, video playback does not automatically progress to the next video for my installation.

What player? Not all players can push. Only jplayer,jwplayer,flowplayer and videojs can.

Quote from: Hersh on
Auto progression works for VideoInedit, as you can see in the link below. But it progresses to a random video, not the next item in the playlist.

It just got patched. Thank you for reporting.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

New patch committed:


lib/comments.php (changed add button class)
lib/functions.php ( changed playlist redirect and guess next video functions)
/tpl/main/js/phpvibe_app.js (Removed time redirect for playlist)
/tpl/main/css/vibe.style.css (Added 100%important to addEmComment, removed all .buttonS definitions)


Quote from: max18121980 on
What I'd like to see in version 4.0:
1. Enable / disable from admin to download any file uploaded by users.
2. Implement the use of third-party disk storage (Google Drive, Amazon S3, etc.)
3. Use a player for music with equalizer (for MP3 does not need such a large window for viewing video)

I ask you to think about my desire))) Thanks in advance.


Quote from: Alexander on
What player? Not all players can push. Only jplayer,jwplayer,flowplayer and videojs can.

Those are the players I prefer to use anyway. It didn't work for any of them. I'm not sure why it works on VideoInedit but it doesn't work for me.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: max18121980 on
What I'd like to see in version 4.0:
1. Enable / disable from admin to download any file uploaded by users.
2. Implement the use of third-party disk storage (Google Drive, Amazon S3, etc.)
3. Use a player for music with equalizer (for MP3 does not need such a large window for viewing video)

Quote from: max18121980 on
I ask you to think about my desire))) Thanks in advance.

1. It's really easy to hook that to a button, and I'm sure it's already posted in the forum as how to.
2. We've failed in so many ways to do that. But we will get external help for a cdn plugin.
3. That can be done easily. Any free player suggestions?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
Those are the players I prefer to use anyway. It didn't work for any of them. I'm not sure why it works on VideoInedit but it doesn't work for me.

Can you show me a link? It works on all my sites.


would there be a way to disable the need for uploading a thumbnail during an upload?
like if no thumbnail is uploaded use a placeholder instead (like a "no-thumbnail" picture)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Geonode on
would there be a way to disable the need for uploading a thumbnail during an upload?
like if no thumbnail is uploaded use a placeholder instead (like a "no-thumbnail" picture)
When you don't have ffmpeg?

For all version you can open com/com_add.php and remove from class the validate[required]

<div class="controls"> <input type="file" name="play-img" id="play-img" class="validate[required] styled"></div>

final would be

<div class="controls"> <input type="file" name="play-img" id="play-img" class="styled"></div>


Quote from: Alexander on
When you don't have ffmpeg?

For all version you can open com/com_add.php and remove from class the validate[required]

<div class="controls"> <input type="file" name="play-img" id="play-img" class="validate[required] styled"></div>

final would be

<div class="controls"> <input type="file" name="play-img" id="play-img" class="styled"></div>

I do have ffmpeg, it's just tht there are time where you "wouldnt" want to upload a thumbnail, and just have a placeholder be there instead.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Geonode on
I do have ffmpeg, it's just tht there are time where you "wouldnt" want to upload a thumbnail, and just have a placeholder be there instead.

I don't really understand you, basically when you have ffmpeg that field doesn't exist, the image is generated by ffmpeg.


Quote from: Alexander on
I don't really understand you, basically when you have ffmpeg that field doesn't exist, the image is generated by ffmpeg.

I know but i don't have it enabled, what I am saying is this:
Take for instance you have a large database of videos and for some reason you you cant upload anymore, images uploaded via ffmpeg are in the Gigabytes/Terabytes. Now take it as if you disable ffmpeg, and just want to upload the videos and no thumbnails, and just want like 1 placeholder poster for every video instead of a thumbnail poster having to be generated for every single videos every time. It saves space. 

Now this would be entirely optional for people who dont care and have the money to scale their dedicated servers even more, but what about the people who has to wait until revenue generates enough until they can afford to scale and have thumbnails for their videos. That 1 placeholder image can benefit them.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

But if you remove the validate required class it does exactly what you wish...or I'm not really getting you (sorry!).
If no image, it adds the default one.


My home page is giving erro.http : //www.wolftb.com/
only opens the videos with the so http://www.wolftb.com/index.php address


Man, I'm having way too many issues lately. Even though the JS errors are now gone once I disabled error_reporting, I can't get JW Player to work at all anymore. The I'm pretty sure it's a jQuery issue since the video player container is not being appended with the embed code. I have done a complete file compare of the entire library but have not been able to find anything which explains these issues unless the builds I'm downloading are broken.
All I see now is:
QuoteLoading the player...

I have also noticed a number of issues I reported in the past appearing again in recent builds.

Here are a couple:

Quote from: Hersh on
Btw, Alexander,

There is a bug in /moderator/players.php

<div class="control-group">
	<label class="control-label"><i class="icon-facetime-video"></i>Remote Player <br /> <i>(Linked Videos)</i> </label>
	<div class="controls">
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="choosen-player" class="styled" value="6" <?php if(get_option('choosen-player') == 6 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>VideoJS</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="5" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 5 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Easy Video Player</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="4" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 4 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Chameleon</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="1" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 1 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>JwPlayer</i></label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="2" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 2 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>FlowPlayer HTML5</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="remote-player" class="styled" value="3" <?php if(get_option('remote-player') == 3 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>jPlayer</label>
	<span class="help-block" id="limit-text">Which player should be loaded for mobile supported files (.mp4, .mp3, etc)? JwPlayer is loaded for the rest.</span>
	<div class="control-group">
	<label class="control-label"><i class="icon-youtube"></i>Youtube videos</label>
	<div class="controls">
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="youtube-player" class="styled" value="6" <?php if(get_option('choosen-player') == 6 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>VideoJS</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="youtube-player" class="styled" value="2" <?php if(get_option('youtube-player') == 2 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Use JwPlayer</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="youtube-player" class="styled" value="0" <?php if(get_option('youtube-player') == 0 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Youtube's Player</label>
	<label class="radio inline"><input type="radio" name="youtube-player" class="styled" value="3" <?php if(get_option('youtube-player') == 3 ) { echo "checked"; } ?>>Easy Video Player</label>

The (get_option('choosen-player') calls for VideoJS should be replaced with 'remote-player' and 'youtube-player', respectively. The radio button name="choosen-player" should also be changed to name="remote-player".

Another problem is, even after making these changes, if you select VideoJS as the default player for YouTube videos, it does not work. And if you select it for local videos deploys jPlayer instead of VideoJS.

Quote from: Alexander on
Ok, you are right. And that' not even the only place it remains.

Open lib/functions.php and add

$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."playlist_data where video_id='".intval($id)."'"); 
$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."activity where object='".intval($id)."'"); 
$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."likes where vid='".intval($id)."'"); 
$db->query("DELETE from ".DB_PREFIX."lem_comments where object='video_".intval($id)."'");

right before

echo '<div class="msg-info">'.$video->title.' was removed.</div>';

I'll add this to next path.
This way it will delete it from activity, all playlist,likes and also erase all comments.

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