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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] PHPVibe 4.0 Beta

Started by PHPVibe A.,

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Quote from: Alexander on
Unfortunately Full text search always will add some not relevant results up....but when we had an "like" query everybody was complaining the full text was better...

I understand, but search is really important. And while it is indeed true that fulltext search is better than LIKE %query%, it is only as powerful as the queries you run. I would recommend reading this as a resource on how to properly implement full text search:

Hopefully you guys can do this sooner than later, because right now, search is completely useless. Try it for yourself and see.



I am trying to place an AD, above the images on the images page but when I put the ad code on the page the ad doesn't show up. Can someone please help...

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: Hersh on
I understand, but search is really important. And while it is indeed true that fulltext search is better than LIKE %query%, it is only as powerful as the queries you run. I would recommend reading this as a resource on how to properly implement full text search:

Hopefully you guys can do this sooner than later, because right now, search is completely useless. Try it for yourself and see.


I didn't build that, but I don't see the difference? Sorry, must be pretty tired, will check again. I know Mario read alot on it.
Can you give some results not showing?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: elitepromo on
I am trying to place an AD, above the images on the images page but when I put the ad code on the page the ad doesn't show up. Can someone please help...

What are you doing? Are you clearing cache?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Oh, there is no spot there, just create one, like open

tpl/main/othermedia.php and around


place and created code for an ad spot (you can do it in the admin panel).


how to disable the autoplay on Jwplayer?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: pantsuhentai on
how to disable the autoplay on Jwplayer?

I don't see any autoplay tag on jwplayer, what version of PHPVibe are you using?


PHPvibe 4.0

I was wrong I want to disable autoplay Jplayer

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Hi, remove this line (see attachement) in lib/class.providers.php



YouTube has discontinued V2, effective April 22. I am now getting "Device Support" errors for API calls. Any day now, video imports are going to totally stop working.

How is this going to be addressed? The writing has been on the wall for a while so I would be surprised if you guys (Mario) hasn't had any plans for this.

It needs to be resolved fairly soon.


PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Hi, the v3 integration is almost done, it was not addressed in public because I think you've already noticed that people around here tend to push push and push.


Hey alexander are there any plans to add sitemap, video sitemap, and image sitemap to the script?


Quote from: Alexander on
Hi, the v3 integration is almost done, it was not addressed in public because I think you've already noticed that people around here tend to push push and push.

Okay, great. Thanks for the update. I totally understand the reasons.

Will the v3 integration come as part of a separate update with a new version number or do you expect to do it as part of PHPVibe v4?

PHPVibe A.Topic starter



PHPVibe A.Topic starter



PHPVibe A.Topic starter

You need to code them, just saying I could do it...not sure what to say :)
I'm here to help with guidance, not build custom stuff, read the rules!


como adicono menu em baixo do site.?


I tried to translate this text manually "Most Viewed" "Most Liked" and "Most Commented"
I change text:  tpl/videolist.php
"<Span class =" title "> <? Php echo _ lang ('Most Viewed');?> </ Span>"
I do not see any change, I empty cache. But, perhaps, wait for change as "loading next"

this is right?

thank you you did a huge job and in addition its better now taught to use a website :)
sorry i use google translation




Something long lack of updates and new Themes ;)

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

Quote from: ravi7 on
I tried to translate this text manually "Most Viewed" "Most Liked" and "Most Commented"
I change text:  tpl/videolist.php
"<Span class =" title "> <? Php echo _ lang ('Most Viewed');?> </ Span>"
I do not see any change, I empty cache. But, perhaps, wait for change as "loading next"

this is right?

thank you you did a huge job and in addition its better now taught to use a website :)
sorry i use google translation

Create an english language from admin, with code 'en', edit in that language file, not in code. Set it as default language.


in it there's no translation for this page.

PHPVibe A.Topic starter

I see Most Viewed in my language terms, and
_ lang ('Most Viewed');
does exactly this, it makes the term translatable.

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