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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] PHPVibe 4.0 suggestions

Started by Marius P.,

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Quote from: AHStudioOfficial on
Güzel siten var. Eğer söylediyin şeyi yapsalar çox güzel olur yaaa... ;)

Teşekkür ediyorum. Daha Yapacağım çok şey varda 4.0 ı bekliyorum :)


Quote from: izlekop on
Hey Mario, is it possible if someoen will search somethink on search area, bot will go youtube and find it and will add on site.. if it will would be perfect :)

I have already done this on my site. :)


Quote from: Hersh on
I have already done this on my site. :)

What's the name of your website? Can you put a link?


Quote from: AHStudioOfficial on
What's the name of your website? Can you put a link?

Can you share it with us ? :)


Quote from: izlekop on
Teşekkür ediyorum. Daha Yapacağım çok şey varda 4.0 ı bekliyorum :)

Ya, bende de aynı şey. Sabrım tükeniyor

PHPVibe A.



PHPVibe A.

The beta is on, it depends what issue it may have, else it could be stable.


please sort the related videos list out, its been terrible since v2 just grabbing the last added videos...

sort them search by the first word in the video or something this is disgraceful you wont get any real website visitors with a list like this
http://hip-hop99.com best hip hop music website
http://social-nuke.com free facebook likes and shares
https://wppluginscheap.com Wordpress plugins and themes cheap


Quote from: leen12 on
please sort the related videos list out, its been terrible since v2 just grabbing the last added videos...

sort them search by the first word in the video or something this is disgraceful you wont get any real website visitors with a list like this

i have also been asking for this since v2 but havent had any fix yet..
http://hip-hop99.com best hip hop music website
http://social-nuke.com free facebook likes and shares
https://wppluginscheap.com Wordpress plugins and themes cheap


when will be released stable version ?


It would be fantastic if on the upload page it automatically detected how long the video files that you were uploading or importing were, as its a huge annoyance to find the video length and type it in.


Hi Mario ,

I have some suggestions for new php verson. Thats great but can be better as well !!

1) Users Slidebar ( Right or Left ) with list of suggested  or playing videos , users online , random button, chat option  , activity notifications etc See more here : http://gvsmusiclibrary.com/

2) Self Ad system for each user. Youtube gives the opportunity to the channels display ads on their videos. This is the main reason that so many videos be uploaded every day.We can not do that as well but we can give to the channels the opprtunity to display their own adsense or busellads banners on their profiles. They will be able do this from their personal account in the website with a space in which they can add teh html code. This can be a one more reason for a YouTuber or other channel owners create a nice channel / profile and brings their videos in our website. Perfect position can be under '' following ''

3) Auto country detect which can be able to understand form where the visitor comes , and display in front page availiable videos on his spoken language.

4) Related videos list looks ungly when some of the videos have longer title from some others ! So as a result this is not looks balanced to visitor eyes. So what we can do is to leave a standar discance betwwen videos like youtube doing so even if a video have longer title dont looks ungly.

5) Youtube , Vimeo etc number of views and likes import.

6) Ajax notifications button and chat ! See here : https://www.globallshare.com

7) Better quality categories navigation menu See here : https://www.globallshare.com

8) Ability to '' like or comment '' activity videos etc in this page for ex http://www.videoinedit.com/activity

These for now !! :)

PHPVibe A.

There is nothing in plus being added that what's already in work http://www.phpvibe.com/forum/phpvibe-announcements/phpvibe-4-0-experimental-for-testing/
Please do not ask for Adsense features in PHPVibe, they should be a part of your advertising platform, PHPVibe is not an advertising script, it only has spot placing for ads which you can use to integrate with your existing advertising platforms (like youtube does with adsense, just keeps ad spots).
Now if you want to use the phpvibe user system somewhere else, just load the load.php into that script and follow up on the user settings and functions.


I also want something like this, let users to create Ads but i know phpvibe its not an ad network, so i think what can phpvibe do is create a plugin, where we can create as many html blocks we want on the page, so we can use an ad network separately, i know scripts under 40 dollars that can do this.


Hi guys.
I am kind a new here and if you all don't mind I have couple questions about phpvibe.

1. Is the V4 in the beta stage?
2. is the V4 only thing that I need to install or I need to do upgrade from V3.5?
3. Video Playback page is missing "Add to favorites" and "FLAG" can this be added from admin?

Thanks guys I appreciate your feedback



Where can I add this code on Trending {$vdo.views|number_format}. Is missing the comma.


PHPVibe A.

Quote from: debeljak on
Hi guys.
I am kind a new here and if you all don't mind I have couple questions about phpvibe.

1. Is the V4 in the beta stage?
2. is the V4 only thing that I need to install or I need to do upgrade from V3.5?
3. Video Playback page is missing "Add to favorites" and "FLAG" can this be added from admin?

Thanks guys I appreciate your feedback

hi, please verify your account as client to have access to support.

1. No.
2. There's a tutorial for clients.
3. Weird, details/link once account is verified.

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: Luiggy on

Where can I add this code on Trending {$vdo.views|number_format}. Is missing the comma.


This code will just print, there is no complaining support for such abbreviations, these are specific to smarty.

File: tpl/main/layouts/related.php



I'm just trying to figure out where to add this code number_format on /main/layouts/related.php. It is missing on somewhere.  I would like the views number with comma example 1,000 (no 1000).



I would like to see all the videos on the home page, how to do ??
if I can not put any videos on the home page, I can put this page on the home page? http://www.videoinedit.com/videos/browse/

thank you for your help


Guys thanks for the support!

I discovered the bug with ADBlock

If ADBlock is active on your browser video playback page will not show "EMBED CODE" and "REPORT"




I would like to see all the videos on the home page, how to do ??
if I can not put any videos on the home page, I can put this page on the home page? http://www.videoinedit.com/videos/browse/

thank you for your help

PHPVibe A.

Quote from: ravi7 on
I would like to see all the videos on the home page, how to do ??
if I can not put any videos on the home page, I can put this page on the home page? http://www.videoinedit.com/videos/browse/

thank you for your help

Please post in the Client's forums for support, this is offtopic on this thread.


Please add multi-upload option. I am even ready to pay for this, please implement this.

Imagine, like on Youtube, You can upload 50 videos at once, and after upload, You can change titles, descriptions in one place, no clicking etc.

Please consider this.


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