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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] PHPVibe 4.0 suggestions

Started by Marius P.,

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Marius P.Topic starter

Please let us know anything you would like to see in the new 'Ultra' version of PHPVibe.

Please use only large and important functionality not the usually 'that button should be from green to orange' 30 second jobs.

Thank you, I will read all your feedback consider it, and pass it on.
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Better plugin system like wordpress would even better so we could make plugins without to touch any core or any php files.And you should use namespaces regarding the classes which used by phpVibe.
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Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: kingofseo on
Better plugin system like wordpress would even better so we could make plugins without to touch any core or any php files.And you should use namespaces regarding the classes which used by phpVibe.

This is already on the build list. But namespaces would limit distribution at the moment, most use php 5.2 still from our usage statistics.
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Hi Mario, hope you´re well,

First i tell you that all my videos are embeded from youtube, i didn´t upload any video to my server.

I need a solution to playlist sistem. When i create a playlist and add some videos i have 2 problems:

1 - I click on "Play all", and when the first video (of the playlist) ends, it does not automatically starts the second video.

2 - If i choose another video of the playlist (not the first), when it ends, it automatically starts another video, but in some cases the video that starts is not added in the playlist, is a video outside the playlist, i don´t know why, it´s crazy problem.

Please can you solve these problems? It´s important that the playlist work fine.

Best Regards,


please work on better related post like youtuube , i already made of custom on my site ivod.co you can check , but please your related post wil  be more Good
and Video sitemap. we made but its its very slow if u want i will tell u URL Location.


Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: alimehdipak on
please work on better related post like youtuube

Youtube has gb of stored infos on every user and work with an advanced algorithm to guess your preferences and also related videos based on user's traffic flow (not only titles, etc), not accurate, but is the most sophisticated at the moment.
We can't reproduce that, such a system would cost millions of $ alone.
What we can do is build an basic guess algorithm, which for the big traffic players using PHPVibe has to be optional, since it will make the load pretty high to query for each video (even cached) the related videos.
Also, there is a problem there to, let's say you have 10 songs Inna - Low , do you really want the related videos to be the same video 10 times?
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Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: pome on
Please can you solve these problems? It´s important that the playlist work fine.

Best Regards,

Hi, this depends on many things, nature of videos, and so on.
I will recheck the playlists, but you will never have an fluid 'playlist experience' unless you use one player for all videos, which is technically impossible, except for the uploaded videos.
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Hello @Mario,

All the Features looks great.

Mario, can you get this in version 4.0: Use Large Images for Facebook Open Graph. In the past month I been working with a WordPress Video script and it use Large Images, the Traffic from Facebook has increase more than 75%. I want PHPVibe to have this. Small Thumbnail are bad for Facebook.

"Very Happy with PHPVibe"


Hi Mario I want to know that is there any possibility of filtering keywords at YouTube uploading section like if we want to add unwanted videos like porn, or religion videos in undeserved categories.. Because I face a big problem after uploading videos I got many sex videos in school education categories.

2. If there was a suggested videos as per following video keywords that would be better. When any video played there will be same videos on every video page




1. Messaging system , notification  ( to enable  communication between users , get email notifications for new subscriber , subscribers get alert for new uploads , admin can send messages to users ,Compose new messages  and send ,View inbox/outbox messages ,Delete messages e.t.c
2. media statistics
3. Ability to set thumbnail on Upload page for for Mp3 and Video
4. multiple uploads for image, videos and mp3
5. Featured Channels
6.  CDN ( external file storage , e.t.c Amazon s3)
7.  multiple Conversion



Will be nice to be added function just like a YouTube when someone like video automatically to be created a play list whit liked videos for me this is important.


Mario my only request to you please
add a paid subscription system and a feature in backed to limit guest views so users can register
excited about 4.0 and your new team. Welcome back Alexander
I am fan of PHP Vibe


Quote from: demonguru18 on
Mario my only request to you please
add a paid subscription system and a feature in backed to limit guest views so users can register
excited about 4.0 and your new team. Welcome back Alexander

Congratulations to Mario and the team of phpvibe,
For version 4
this would be the addition of mid-roll for those videos more than 40 minutes it would not be wrong,

and the addition of subscription if if have to have hope to offer some services to some member

Mario you have news for the project phpvibe Movie?

Thank You


#1 Work on the My profile page
#2 Add more options to filters(top rated,recent.....)
#3 Add commentary sistem in blog
#4 Pay to upload plugin
#5 This is a rly fast script but if can be faster make it!!

Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: mihai on
#1 Work on the My profile page

This sort of ideas should be explained in full, we can't read minds, Mihai.
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Quote from: @Mario on
This sort of ideas should be explained in full, we can't read minds, Mihai.
1.Change the structure of the elements with something like this   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsvn_Po0SmunchJYOWpOxMg
2.On phpvibe on the profile are shown only the top videos so it will be nice to add more options/elements that are  with display videos(like youtube does)------i was wondering if you can add elements/options to view the videos like:uploaded videos,shared videos so the result will be displayed like https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsvn_Po0SmunchJYOWpOxMg so i can have 10 uploaded videos and if you want more you have option to load more,if you want to serch only top rated uploaded videos you have options to load only top rated uploaded videos


Quote from: mihai on
1.Change the structure of the elements with something like this   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsvn_Po0SmunchJYOWpOxMg
2.On phpvibe on the profile are shown only the top videos so it will be nice to add more options/elements that are  with display videos(like youtube does)------i was wondering if you can add elements/options to view the videos like:uploaded videos,shared videos so the result will be displayed like https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsvn_Po0SmunchJYOWpOxMg so i can have 10 uploaded videos and if you want more you have option to load more,if you want to serch only top rated uploaded videos you have options to load only top rated uploaded videos
Would be nice if you can do this also with images:)

Marius P.Topic starter

But this is pretty much how the UltimaTube theme works http://www.videoinedit.com/profile/enjoy/1/
I don't think we will be keeping to much of this 3.0 design in 4.0, will consider, but it won't be based on the current default design.
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Hi Please please please improve the search tab so it can search every keyword typed as at the moment its not doing great job finding videos that's already on the website that's the most important feature would be great if you can fix that for everyone
Best regards Alex


multi server and paid content would be nice :) Eg: pay xx per month for access to premium vids


1) DMCA contact form that create a list of video to be deleted in the control panel. Something like the report function but that can be used by unregistered user inside a page
2) Indexes, Indexes and Indexes in the DB :D
3) 404 pages that suggests other videos
4) I love PHPVibe!

Marius P.Topic starter

Got this by mail (putting it here to check and not miss it):

QuoteHi there,

I would like to give a little advice on the page and post editors.
As soon as i want to edit a page or post, the previous saved input won't
be restore, but i have to start with an empy page again.
It would be nice if the saved input would be restored to the editing
field to make minor adjustments instead of re-entering the entire input
all over again.

Regards, Danny
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offer the same service to some vimeo member who will be subscribed (https://vimeo.com/pro) (https://vimeo.com/plus) such as adding custom logo for subscribing members. displayed with no advertising on their video such as,



@Mario PLease Consider Dailymotion Importer plugin too am waiting for that from 1 year... please please

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