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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] PHPVibe 4.0 suggestions

Started by Marius P.,

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Quote from: @Mario on
What would be the point of that? It's a video script, not social networking.

A video sharing script, which is what this is, IS a social network. i.e. The point of what I suggested is to give the user more creativity over their profile and it could encourage them to stay on the site as oppose to getting off and going to facebook or twitter. Something similar to what invision boards does.

They give the user the ability to import their profile in from FB, Twitter, or Youtube and the user can update statuses and so on from their profile on the website without even leaving. I personally used this feature myself and its very convenient. Im not saying it should be free with the update or something, but at least a nice plugin because I know from many experiences, there are NOT many video scripts who have great features like that.
Went from Clipshare, to Adultvideoshare just trying to find a script that works. Now im home!

Marius P.Topic starter

Sorry Equadore, but they are many changes to be done for it already, turning it into a full social network won't make the development list.
Do not assume we know out of the fly how to make this, it would require api studying and would take to much. Right now building a better framework with 4.0, maybe as an plugin in the future you will see something similar.
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Understandable.. I was just throwing out something.
Went from Clipshare, to Adultvideoshare just trying to find a script that works. Now im home!

Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: Equadore on
Understandable.. I was just throwing out something.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your feedback, I do, just wanted to let you know since I had and answer for you already.
For some I don't have an answer, still considering and studying the ideas.
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Hey Mario I forgot to mention, can we have a carousel system on the homepage for blocks. So we can scroll it right and left and from admin add the number of thumbnail we want to show.
I am fan of PHP Vibe



I suggest to have a plugin like Rewarding or Contest Plugin, where webmaster could set a contest on weekly basis or monthly. Let say, Contest for the Week " Most Like Videos" videos that have more like will be the winner. Option to set how many winners every contest. And able to set the prize. 1st price $100 2nd prize $50 and so on. please see the sample from www.vube.com



Give the option for admin to disable the profile pages sitewide


First Mario please add another payment method aside from PayPal please, Im sure you can get some sort of merchant Debit/CC processing, all my suggestions are useless if I cant buy the finished product in January.

Ad delivery Engine:

Separate part of the site i.e. ads.videoinedit.com where users can sign up as a advertiser to purchase preroll, postroll, banner, and PPC ads streamlined like Adwords. Different merchant processors like paypal, googlecheckout, amazon simple payments, authorize.net, etc. etc...would be activated via the admin panel. http://www.revive-adserver.com/ is free and open source with pre-roll functionality, built on php and it wouldnt be hard to see how the source can be implemented with vibe.

Revenue Share:

Integrate the ad delivery with the ability to get revenue share for each channel configurable via the users channel settings. The ad center would auto generate a ads account id each time a new channel is made or have them manually sign up at ads.phpvibe.com as a publisher and then enter their publisher id within channel settings.


It would be great to have live streaming functionality!


There is a company that makes plugins for PHP Melody that has 2 autoshare plugins that post to facebook and twitter whenever a new video goes live https://melodymods.com/plugins/php-melody-twitter-autoshare-plugin.htm and https://melodymods.com/plugins/php-melody-facebook-autoshare-plugin.htm these addons can be sold separately but would be awesome achievements.

New Default Theme:

Since a new theme is on the stove, Brasil Theme should be the new default theme for 4.0

Better Channels:

Channels are important and should be highly optimized to make the user happy. Easy one click subscription, ability to change header, add a website url, add social urls, private messaging between users, and have a status update timeline.

Social Login:

Ability to register and log in via Facebook, Twitter, and Google!

User Analytics:

Each channel should come with the ability to add a Google Analytics id/or similar to display user engagement, channel views, video counts, with vibe fetching the info from their analytics account to display or at the least just give them ability integrate Google Analytics and the like via their channel setting.

Will bring more suggestions later...

Respective Regards,

P.S. If you are going to have beta testers please add me as a tester, I would install on a vps to workout any bugs. I am tech savvy, not a developer but a online software lover/enthusiast and would bring forth proper reports on functionality. You may contact me at adam (AT) newsagram.com 



the Audio sharing module should have a audio player instead a video player with a custom sidebar display, it would be best if user could create a separate channel for audio with album cover producer info etc etc...the audio section should be optimized better for the audio sharing crowd.

Marius P.Topic starter

Hi, appreciate all the feedback.
@TubeJet nice stuff, but the Social Login is already in the script since more than 2 years ago :)
As for ad delivery, those are more achievable trough advertising scripts, you only need to implement some spots/spot codes into PHPVibe.
When it comes to ad delivery is always best to not mix things up publisher platforms/ad delivery platform.
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I can not wait this will be the biggest update to PHP VIBE wait it impatiently
I wish the team of phpvibe a lot of patience with us and successful work.
go ahead PHP VIBE we are with you  :cool: :cool:

Marius P.Topic starter

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Hey Mario!

You know, pphpVibe has functionality that other video scripts already have. But what about doing something different ? Hope you'll like what i'm suggesting.

Any member of the website will be able to create a group from "domainname.com/group". Creator of the group will be able to add members to the group by inviting them from "domainName.com/group".Existing members and Owner of the group will be able to see the status of other members or the rating of the group from "domainname.com/group". Every group will have it's own channel. So group members will be able to upload videos to the same channel. And members of the website that didn't join any group will be able to request an invite from group's channel.It will be nice if you can add administrators, moderators, author's to the group. Only administrators of the group can manage the group. And website owners can manage all the groups from "domainname.com/moderator".

Thanks for attention. By the way did you check out what i suggested you last time?  :) ;) ^-^


I need to be input in the new version popup


Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: AHStudioOfficial on
Hey Mario!
Thanks for attention. By the way did you check out what i suggested you last time?  :) ;) ^-^

Hi, I read everything you guys post.
But with every function comes somebody who loves it and somebody who hates it.
My goal is to provide the perfect video framework, it is not to provide an cms that does and has it all till the very last possible function.
Sure, it's very easy to achieve functions while you have a stable framework (like PHPVibe) and costs nowhere close to what a custom built website would.
What you are asking is more of a social media feature which honestly I don't see it's point in a video website (an never have seen on the Tubes I monitor).
I don't see people joining a group, why would you do that? It would require an wall like Facebook has, and what would be the purpose of that? Do you know how much moderation that involves?
I know, we had one in PHPVibe v2.5 (if I recall correctly).
I wonder what would be that group's functionality without an social wall, just share your video there?
Now, let's be honest, which visitor goes to a group just for videos (on a Tube website), let's leave Facebook out of the questions since we don't build a Facebook clone here.

Just my two cents on the matter, since you've insisted, no hard feelings, and feel free to contradict me with valuable arguments.
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Hey Mario!

Thanks again! It was just a suggestion. WOW! Quick Response btw.

1 more thing. Can you allow users to add thoughts on their channels?
(Add only texts without any editor.) Adding just texts that have spaces.
But of course, it will pop-out on "domainname.com/buzz".


Marius P.Topic starter

As in a wall? You do know that 90% will be spam links, right?
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But, maybe it will be off. You can turn "Thought Sharing" after installation if you want.

Marius P.Topic starter

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I have a very interesting proposal will be very useful when you create a playlist to be an option to shuffling the videos in a play list whit drag and drop
like this http://ksylvest.github.io/jquery-gridly/


hello Mario,
add subtitle to the video
also suggest to the member to provide a translation of the video,

Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: Wnux on
hello Mario,
add subtitle to the video
also suggest to the member to provide a translation of the video,

Not sure if you saw this, but I'm kinda working with my boys on this already https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZjCWO0V4L0 (this is the new VideoJS coming with 4.0)
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Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: boxboy on
I have a very interesting proposal will be very useful when you create a playlist to be an option to shuffling the videos in a play list whit drag and drop
like this http://ksylvest.github.io/jquery-gridly/

Like an order for every video in the playlist and play by order?
Not sure if I can do it with that, but if time allows it I will try with an drag and drop list as in the admin homeblocks.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
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Marius P.Topic starter

Quote from: AHStudioOfficial on
But, maybe it will be off. You can turn "Thought Sharing" after installation if you want.

Here is another idea which I may have time to build (or as a plugin) : a page for conversations (like simple forum/questions), I saw a really nice concept and I think that may have what to do in a video website.
Happy with my help? Buy me a coffee.
Please, always use the search before opening a new topic! We're all here on our (limited) free time! Make sure you help yourself too!


Quote from: @Mario on
Not sure if you saw this, but I'm kinda working with my boys on this already https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZjCWO0V4L0 (this is the new VideoJS coming with 4.0)
Cool  :cool:, thank you ;)


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