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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] play on facebook

Started by andy1980,

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andy1980Topic starter

Sorry for the inconvenienceI have 4.0 phpvibeand I'm looking for how to do play all videos on facebookhere on the forum I found nothingcan you help me?I found this code---------------------------------------------------------------------------------< meta property = "og: video" content = "URL/TO/PLAYER.SWF? file = SOURCE" >< meta property = "og: video: type" content = "application/x-shockwave-flash" >< meta property = "og: video: width" content = "1920" >< meta property = "og: video: height" content = "1080" >
< meta property = "fb: app_id" content = "FACEBOOKAPPID" >
< meta property = "og: site_name" content = "SITENAME/DOMAIN" >< meta property = "og: video: secure_url" content = "SEC_URL/TO/PLAYER.SWF? file = SOURCE" >< meta property = "og: url" content = ' '. $canonical. ' ">< meta property = "og: title" content = "' seo_title () method. '" >< meta property = "og: type" content = "video" >< meta property = "og: image" content = "'" URLTOTHUMB >< meta property = "og: description" content = "' seo_desc () method. '" >----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I just don't know what to put instead of SOURCEIf you can help me thank youregards Andy

PHPVibe A.


I don't think those work anymore, now Facebook requires https:// and a lot more than a path to a flash player.
And even if they did work, why would you serve flash players to a community that has 80% mobile traffic? Those videos would be unplayable on mobile, and not send to your website at all.

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