[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] phleasee helmp mee [Extra thumb and duration fields]

Started by shedania.2000,

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Marius P.

Quote from: shedania.2000@mail.ru on
Demo : http://i.imgur.com/taMdVxu.jpg
Reality : http://i.imgur.com/YG8QehA.jpg
Please Help me  :-[ :-[

Hi, not sure if you understand me. I've already answered your question:

QuoteWhat you are showing there is ffmpeg disabled, if you have ffmpeg you can just enable it under Settings -> FFMPEG (but it must be installed on the server), and then PHPvibe will auto-generate thumbnails and duration (and hide those fields).

If it's something else, please detail the issue.
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shedania.2000Topic starter


Marius P.

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shedania.2000Topic starter


Marius P.

Quote from: shedania.2000 on
FFMPEG is installed but No relief http://full-chat.com/1.php

You have ffmpeg 0.7, PHPVibe needs 1.0+ as clearly stated in the requirements http://www.phpvibe.com/requirements/
Upgrade/change it.
And please post in that topic, here is about something else and this discussion is off topic in this context.
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Marius P.

Moved and merged. Please reply here from now on.
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