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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Problem with channel photos upload

Started by tesladisk,

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tesladiskTopic starter

Hi i get this message when i create a channel and add image (saveImage: This is not a resource.) i mage is not uploading i try to create the channel without the image the channel created i try again to add the image after the channel creation and i get again the same message can anyone help thanks.

PHPVibe A.

What is the image extension? It seems that the image has broken mime by that error.

tesladiskTopic starter

thanks find the problem you are right:) please alex one more question i try to embed a video from BO the i frame code is
<IFRAME SRC="http://www.exashare.com/embed-f4g3e5gq2aok-853x480.html" FRAMEBORDER=0 MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0 SCROLLING=NO WIDTH=853 HEIGHT=480></IFRAME>

when i save the code it loose the width and height and end up like this
<IFRAME SRC="http://www.exashare.com/embed-f4g3e5gq2aok-853x480.html" FRAMEBORDER=0 MARGINwidth= MARGINheight= SCROLLING=NO width= height=></IFRAME>
i try to enter the values again but when i click save or update i loose the width and height and the video is to large to fit the screen how can i fix this? thanks

PHPVibe A.

tesladiskTopic starter

Alex any news about the iframe problem i found the same issue in version 4.12 clean install when i add the embed code the code loose the width and height

PHPVibe A.

Sorry, not yet, we've just got back from Easter vacation.

PHPVibe A.

Ok, so I've tested your iframe and it renders like:

<IFRAME SRC="http://www.exashare.com/embed-f4g3e5gq2aok-853x480.html" FRAMEBORDER=0 MARGINwidth=1280 MARGINheight=750 SCROLLING=NO width=1280 height=750></IFRAME>

Basically the width and height are replaced with the default ones (as expected), the only problem seems to be the the margin thing...checking now from where it is.
But the player in that iframe doesn't resize (it's not responsive)

PHPVibe A.

Nope, if you changed render_video() in lib/functions.php it does fix the size issue in the embed code (no alteration anymore)

//Misc functions
function render_video($code) {
return htmlspecialchars_decode(specialchars_decode($code));

but won't fix the aspect for this specific provider since the player inside the iframe is not responsive, while PHPVibe adapts the iframe's width and height via css to 16/9.

tesladiskTopic starter



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