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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Problems with "edit image post"

Started by pome,

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pomeTopic starter

Hi, hope you ´re well,

i have problems to edit an image post, when i tried to edit an image it never changes. I attached 3 images so you will see the steps:

1 - In the first image, you will see, i click on "edit image" button.
2 - In the edit image form, i choose a new image from my computer and upload it. (the url of the edit image form is: http://mydomain.com/me&sk=edit-video&vid=4, it´s ok? the same script to "edit videos" and "edit image" ?)
3 - The image only change in the "related images" but not in the post.

Could you tell me how to solve this problem?

Thank you very much,

Best Regards,

PHPVibe A.

pomeTopic starter


I´ve already use "Tools -> Clear cache."

and the problem continue. Please tell me how to fix it.

Best Regards,

PHPVibe A.

I don't think it clears your cache. Make sure you can delete files via php.
Manually delete /cache's content and /cache/thumb's content for a test, and then check again.

pomeTopic starter

I´ve already deleted the files in cache´s an /cache/thumb's folders, but the problem persist. I think there is a problem with the edit-video script.

Tell me if you need the FTP info, i will send it trough PM.

Best Regards,

PHPVibe A.

I'll have the guys from development check into this before releasing the 3.6b, and fix it if it's an issue.

pomeTopic starter

But, could yo tell me if can i change something to solve this problem? because i need this to works well, i don´t have much time.

Best Regards,

PHPVibe A.

I guess the edit should be spited to a new controller for different types.
I don't have a quick fix, will post you when I see the branch committed on the dev's board.

Marius P.

/com/com_manager.php and

tpl/main(or brasil)/manager.php

with the ones attached.
give feedback!
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pomeTopic starter

It works!!

Thank you very much!

Best Regards,

PHPVibe A.

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