[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] /share "Page Not Found"

Started by eRixn,

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eRixnTopic starter

I try to upload a Youtube file, but when I do it only pops up "404 OOPS! Page Not Found"

Can anybody help me out here?


Quote from: eRixn on
I try to upload a Youtube file, but when I do it only pops up "404 OOPS! Page Not Found"

Can anybody help me out here?

eRix, read this post: http://www.phprevolution.com/forum/troubleshooting-issues/cannot-upload-mp3-and-embed-yt-videos/msg17750/#msg17750

Maybe is something with the security in your hosting., Read this post.
"Very Happy with PHPVibe"


This may be the answer: The problem was by my hosting provider has enabled mod_security for my account. I have contact them and the has disabled and now is working perfect.
"Very Happy with PHPVibe"

PHPVibe A.


I have a proble with share media..
It notice:


You don't have permission to access /share on this server."

although a have permisson all necessary folder..

Could you help me? Thanks you!

PHPVibe A.

eRixnTopic starter

Sorry for late reply. I think I managed to fix it. I used godaddy, and they woudnt disable mod_security. So now I changed provider to InMotion Hosting. I will know in 24 hours if it works or not, but Im very positive that It will work, because here I can disable mod_security myself.

Thanks for the help guys!

PHPVibe A.

Good luck, let us know if any problem!

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