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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] Problems with accents (PHPVIBE 3.6)

Started by pome,

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pomeTopic starter

Hi! hope you ´re well,

Some days ago i´ve installed Phpvive 3.6, and i have a problem with accents, and "ñ" characters.

When i post a new article, its title looks ok, but in the content of the article the accents and "ñ" are not showing well.

I´ve checked in the phpmyadmin (the database), and the articles´s title is well saved, but the article´s content are wrong saved (if you look in the image i´ve uploaded, you will see what i´m saying)

Could you tell me how can i solve this problem?

Best Regards,

PHPVibe A.

This seems to be an editor problem, we are planning to replace it soon.

pomeTopic starter

Ok, thanks for the quick answer,

Could you tell me if i can change something in the code to solve this problem? because i need to use the articles editor as soon as possible.

Best Regards,

PHPVibe A.

pomeTopic starter

I try what you said here: http://www.phprevolution.com/forum/troubleshooting-issues/editor-of-the-page-is-not-working-correctly/msg18046/#msg18046 

but it didn´t work. Could you tell me if there is another thing i can do to solve the problem?

Best Regards,

PHPVibe A.

Remove the editor.
See if that helps.

Simply open the pages in moderator that use it:

and remove the "ckeditor" from the classes.

<textarea rows="5" cols="5" name="content" class="ckeditor span12" style="word-wrap: break-word; resize: horizontal; height: 88px;"></textarea>


<textarea rows="5" cols="5" name="content" class=" span12" style="word-wrap: break-word; resize: horizontal; height: 88px;"></textarea>

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