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[ Video Sharing CMS v4 ] html caching

Started by dtiberio,

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dtiberioTopic starter

I see that the cache dir does not have an html pages  cached

performance would improve greatly if you cached portions of the html page.

I understand that the 'view; number would not be accurate per request, however considering that we have tons of disk space nowadays, and that disks are very fast, it would be nice to have the html cached even if for just 10 minutes at a time. and then clean up all the html pages once a day to keep the drive from becoming too full.

it should only add 2 commands to your code. one to save the html to a file, another to load it if it exists and is within a certain age.

PHPVibe A.

We used this before, we may make an plugin for it.
Right now the sql cache from ezSql seemed enough.

dtiberioTopic starter

you should always always avoid accessing a database. databases will always be slower than accessing a flat file on the server.

some form of html cache would bring a huge speed improvement.

also I am seeing repeated requests to .js files. every time I load a page, it requests the js files over and over again, it should not be doing that.

PHPVibe A.

The database uses flat files for caching, it doesn't query the sql server for most heavy pages.
You can do http caching via apache http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/caching.html
or .htaccess

dtiberioTopic starter

httpd caching is not a solution because the pages are uniwue for each user.

the cache needs to be done in the code.

PHPVibe A.

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